
Greatest Love Of All —— 聽歌

作者:杏林一虹  於 2010-4-14 12:00 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



i believe the children are our future
teach them well and let them lead the way
show them all the beauties they possess inside
give them a sense of pride
to make it easier
let the children's laughter
remind us of how we used to be
everybody's searching for a hero
people need someone to look up to
i never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
a lonely place to live
and so i learned to depend on me
i decided long ago
never to walk in anyone's shadow
if i fail
if i succeed
at least i live as i believe
no matter what
they take from me
they can't take away my dignity
because the greatest love of all
is happening to me
i found the greatest love of all
inside of me
the greatest love of all
is easy to achieve
learning to love yourself
it is the greatest love of all

i believe the children are our future
teach them well and let them lead the way
show them all the beauties they possess inside
give them a sense of pride
to make it easier
let the children's laughter
remind us of how we used to be
i decided long ago
never to walk in anyone's shadow
if i fail
if i succeed
at least i live as i believe
no matter what
they take from me
they can't take away my dignity
because the greatest love of all
is happening to me
i found the greatest love of all
inside of me
the greatest love of all
is easy to achieve
learning to love yourself
it is the greatest love of all
and if by chance that special place
that you've been dreaming of
leads you to a lonely place
find your strength in love









發表評論 評論 (8 個評論)

回復 hu18 2010-4-14 12:09
54 耳朵RENEW一下下。
回復 杏林一虹 2010-4-14 12:10
hu18: 54 耳朵RENEW一下下。
回復 hu18 2010-4-14 12:14
杏林一虹: 但願別覺得煩,她的歌有點濫了
回復 杏林一虹 2010-4-14 12:19
hu18: 爛點好,易消化。
回復 hu18 2010-4-14 12:21
杏林一虹: 對啊,正好有人沒牙
回復 方方頭 2010-4-14 13:15
learning to love yourself
it is the greatest love of all

回復 杏林一虹 2010-4-15 00:30
hu18: 荷花只留根,老虎不長牙——豈不是兩樁得便宜事。
回復 杏林一虹 2010-4-15 00:30
方方頭: learning to love yourself
it is the greatest love of all


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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