

作者:杏林一虹  於 2016-2-18 01:15 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



前面的話:上學期,女兒到布拉格待了一學期(study abroad)。在布拉格期間,她寫了一系列遊記,徵得女兒的同意后,我把它們翻譯成了中文,有興趣的朋友閑來無事可以看看,謝謝!

來自布拉格的問候(一) 文 Beth   翻譯 杏林一虹



我的宿舍與一座十世紀的山頂古堡相鄰,從這裡可以俯瞰整個布拉格。我們的學習中心就坐落於此,更有意義的是,捷克著名作曲家德沃夏克的墓地也在這裡。宿舍比美國西北大學的校捨實在漂亮太多,巨大的落地窗,整潔的傢具,房間里就配有洗手池……還有高高的屋頂和瓷磚地板……我相信和其他學生住在一起能幫我消除對新環境的畏懼心理,儘快適應新生活,但我也要早日走出宿舍的保護圈,儘快了解捷克文化並融入當地生活,畢竟這才是到海外學習的真正目的。 時差有點嚴重,不過今天終於在吃飯時間覺得餓了,估計已經快調整過來了。這個星期我們主要學習如何使用布拉格的公共交通,以及在這裡生活需要了解的各種事項,包括捷克語。我迫不及待地想要到處走走看看,但是學校要先教會我們如何照顧好自己,如何在這裡生活,這也是必須的。值得高興的是我已經學會了一些簡單的捷克語,比如「請」,「你好」,「謝謝」等等。


來到布拉格以後,我十分喜歡散步。昨天晚餐后,我和其他幾個女孩子到宿舍附近的古城堡散步,我們爬上高高的城牆,沿著牆頭前行,夜幕下布拉格的燈火盡收眼底,美麗動人。我無法相信自己已經真的來到了這裡,來到了這個有著豐富的文化和歷史的地方。這一刻,將會永遠留在我的記憶里。 過去的幾天對我來說是小小的挑戰,我要學習與各種各樣素不相識的人打交道、交朋友;我要學習使用當地的交通,偶爾也會迷路;但是我不需要擔心課程,擔心實習機會,擔心我的成績,我只要享受眼下難忘的每一刻,新的生活既刺激又富有挑戰性!(2015年9月3日)


I』ve finally arrived in Prague! Traveling here was not terrible, especially compared to my flights to China (hello 13-hour flights). I lost my water bottle after arriving in Munich and was a little pressed for time during my layover there because the German version of TSA made me take everything out of my backpack and show it to them, BUT everything ended well and I made it to the Czech Republic. The first thing I noticed after getting to the airport was that I didn』t have to go through an immigration line because I got my passport stamped in Germany, which is also considered part of the Schengen territory. I almost went back through the exit because I thought I had made a mistake.

There were a ton of CIEE kids waiting at the airport for taxis and everyone looked absolutely exhausted. I』ve been on my share of international flights, and they』re all grueling, but it』s especially tough when you』re faced with 50 people who will eventually become friends with right after getting off the plane. I got placed in the dorm so program coordinators sent me on a cab to the city – of course I had my nose glued to the window the whole time, but for the first leg of the trip, there really wasn』t much to see. But once we got to the city and within sight of the Vltava River, it was gorgeous. Way too warm, but the buildings were tall and exactly what they looked like on Google images and there were cobblestone streets everywhere. There was also a lot of graffiti everywhere, which was really interesting (something I definitely didn』t expect). I didn』t feel immediately at home and I didn』t fall in love with the city upon first glance, but I liked that Prague was both beautiful and unpretentious at the same time.

I got placed in a dorm in the neighborhood of Vyšehrad, which is a castle on top of a hill (built in the 10th century) that overlooks all of Prague. The CIEE study center is also up there – and fun fact, so is the grave of Antonín Leopold Dvořák. The dorm rooms are significantly nicer than the ones at Northwestern, with gigantic windows and real furniture and a sink in the room. It』s definitely comfortable with high ceilings and tiled floors. Being in the dorm allowed me to meet a lot of people really quickly, which was both intimidating and a good thing, I think, because being in a new country is always intimidating and it』s a lot less scary with someone there with you to share the cluelessness. Hopefully after this week we』ll get out of the dorm bubble a little more and get more immersed in Czech culture, because ultimately that』s what studying abroad is about.

Jet lag was really terrible for a little bit, but I think my body is finally getting adjusted. I was hungry today at the right times, so I think it』ll be okay. Most of the week has been spent at orientation with the other students here, and we learned the basics about public transportation in Prague as well as health procedures, etc. It』s a little frustrating to have to sit in a classroom when we could be out exploring the city, but the program has to teach us how to be responsible about living here first. Next week, we start intensive Czech lessons. My very limited Czech vocabulary current consists of: dobrý den (good day), prosím (please), and děkuji (thank you). And of course, 「ahoj,」 which means 「hi」 and is pronounced like ahoy (we all use this with great gusto).

There is absolutely a huge drinking culture here (it is true, beer is cheaper than water and you can get a great Czech beer for about $1 USD or 24 Czech crowns). I』ve never met a beer I liked until I came to Prague and I can attest to the smoothness and deliciousness of the beer here. The beers go along really well with Czech food, which mostly consists of potatoes, meat and dumplings (usually made from bread). Czechs don』t drink to get drunk (like Americans do), but they drink to enjoy the taste, which I really appreciate.

One of my favorite things to do here in Prague is taking walks. Last night, a few other girls and I went up to the castle wall near our dorm (about a 10 minute stroll) after we finished dinner, just to check out the study center. While we were up there, we walked along the edge of the wall and were able to see Prague lit up at night. It was amazing and beautiful, and it was hard to believe that I was really here, in this richly cultured, historic city with so much character. I think it』ll be a moment that will remain in my mind for a long time.

The last four days have really just been about stepping out of my comfort zone by a huge gap – talking to people I most likely never would have become friends with at Northwestern, taking the public transportation and getting a little bit lost, not worrying about classes and internships and academic things, and just really living every single moment and being present in every single memory I make here. It』s not easy, but it』s certainly exciting and challenging!










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回復 fanlaifuqu 2016-2-18 01:44
回復 白露為霜 2016-2-18 01:53
回復 kzhoulife 2016-2-18 02:19
一日不見, 如隔三秋; 多年不見, 恍如隔世了! 最最最親切的問候!
回復 kzhoulife 2016-2-18 02:23
布拉格, 古色古香的浪漫。遊記寫的好, 媽媽翻譯的也好, 讀完大有收穫。
回復 蒔花閑人 2016-2-18 02:24
回復 曾經以為的凝視 2016-2-18 02:29
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 02:40
fanlaifuqu: 非常喜歡這句:展現她的美麗的同時並不掩飾自己的真實。
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 02:41
白露為霜: 十幾年前去過布拉格,很喜歡那裡。
老朋友好! 本來打算她在那裡的時候去走一趟的,後來因為各種原因沒能成行,頗感遺憾,只有以後找機會去了。
回復 往事並不如煙 2016-2-18 02:42

回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 02:42
kzhoulife: 一日不見, 如隔三秋; 多年不見, 恍如隔世了! 最最最親切的問候!
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 02:44
kzhoulife: 布拉格, 古色古香的浪漫。遊記寫的好, 媽媽翻譯的也好, 讀完大有收穫。
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 02:45
蒔花閑人:    老朋友新挑戰,問好!
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 02:47
曾經以為的凝視: 你女兒的文筆相當不錯!對景物描寫生動,對心裡的感受細緻。別告訴我你修改過。
回復 曾經以為的凝視 2016-2-18 02:51
杏林一虹: 謝謝朋友鼓勵,小女是新聞專業學生,所以我只敢老老實實翻譯原文,不敢添油加醋。    
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 02:52
往事並不如煙: 問好先~喜歡真實!

回復 曾經以為的凝視 2016-2-18 02:53
杏林一虹: 謝謝朋友鼓勵,小女是新聞專業學生,所以我只敢老老實實翻譯原文,不敢添油加醋。    
回復 蒔花閑人 2016-2-18 02:55
杏林一虹: 老朋友好,可是要搞清楚你是誰似乎確實是個挑戰呢!    
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 03:34
回復 杏林一虹 2016-2-18 03:37
曾經以為的凝視: 想看原文。
回復 曾經以為的凝視 2016-2-18 03:54


Way too warm, but the buildings were tall and exactly what they looked like on Google images and there were cobblestone streets everywhere.

we walked along the edge of the wall and were able to see Prague lit up at night.


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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