
Yes,men can!(ZT)

作者:yulinw  於 2011-4-4 14:24 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Men Can  Fix  Anything.............

Don 't have a spoon? I can  fix that!

Electrical  problem?  I can fix that!

Car  stereo stolen?  I can fix that!

Bookshelf cracking under  the weight? I can fix that!

Can't  afford a real GPS? I can fix that!

No ice chest? I can fix that!

Can't read  the ATM screen? I can fix that!

I actually think this one's ingenious. 
Out of  diapers? I can fix  that! 
I can fix that!

Satellite go out in the rain? I can fix that!

Electric stove broken & can't heat coffee? I can fix that!

Wiper motor burned out? I can fix that!

Exhaust pipe dragging? I can fix that!

Gotta feed the baby AND do the laundry? I can fix that!

Cables falling behind the desk? I can fix that!


Seatbelt broken? I can fix that!

New TV too big for the old cabinet? I can fix that!

Car imported from a different country? I can fix that!

Display  rack falling over? I can fix that!

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