
All of my memories....

作者:putongren10  於 2009-5-18 23:41 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


In this world you tried
not leaving me alone behind.
There's no other way.
I prayed to the gods let him stay.
The memories ease the pain inside,
now I know why.

All of my memories keep you near.
In silent moments imagine you here.
All of my memories keep you near.
Your silent whispers, silent tears.

Made me promise I'd try
to find my way back in this life.
I hope there is a way
to give me a sign you're ok.
Reminds me again it's worth it all
so I can go on.

Repeat chorus

Together in all these memories
I see your smile.
All the memories I hold dear.
Darling, you know I will love you
until the end of time.









發表評論 評論 (9 個評論)

回復 宜修 2009-5-18 23:47
Is this the one you were to post last night?
回復 putongren10 2009-5-18 23:54
宜修: Is this the one you were to post last night?
it was a chinese poem for dancing
回復 宜修 2009-5-18 23:59
putongren10: no,
it was a chinese poem for dancing
May I please view it?  I didn't mean to shut you up.  Rather, I was kidding since I knew I was to stay once seeing something good...
回復 putongren10 2009-5-19 00:02
宜修: Is this the one you were to post last night?
I just wanted to post it, but I am messed up with my file that I couldn't find it, I will try it again later.
Is it too late to apologize?
Listen to that song one post above
回復 宜修 2009-5-19 00:08
putongren10: I just wanted to post it, but I am messed up with my file that I couldn't find it, I will try it again later.
Is it too late to apologize?
Listen to
No rush.  Take your time.  I won't be in this afternoon, though.

There's nothing you need apologize about.

As for the song, I can't listen to it at my office.
回復 putongren10 2009-5-19 00:09
宜修: May I please view it?  I didn't mean to shut you up.  Rather, I was kidding since I knew I was to stay once seeing something good...
it's fine, my sister,
it is my fault that i couldn't find it right now.
i apologize for that
回復 buweizhai 2009-5-19 00:18
回復 putongren10 2009-5-19 00:30
buweizhai: 肯定好聽,就是不敢聽。俺的電腦一開這樣的player就藍屏。
回復 buweizhai 2009-5-19 00:36
putongren10: 謝謝


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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