

作者:TCM  於 2010-6-14 00:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




因為中文口語谷歌翻譯不時會讓人有丈二和尚之感,下面介紹「非谷歌」 ,較典雅的英譯和造句例子供大家參考。


1.      大器晚成


Late Bloomer


My dad is a late bloomer. He didn』t finish his PhD until the ripe old age of 85.


2.      淡化


Diminish; Make light of


Even now the authorities are still trying to diminish the importance of June 4th.


The boss made light of my achievements in synthesizing the new compound.


3.      臨門抱佛腳


Make an 11th-hour effort


We made an 11th-hour attempt to reverse the guilty verdict, but it was to no avail.


4.      碰釘子


Hit a snag; rebuffed


BP』s effort to plug the leak hit another snag. It only made the matter worse.


His attempt to collect the debt from his ex was rebuffed.


5.      傷腦筋


Headache; be troubled; be bothered


The Tax Department』s assessment notice is a big headache for Marnie. .


Karen is deeply troubled by Kevin』s obsession with money.


6.      窩裡斗;窩裡反




The two directors are only interested in infighting and not in growing the business.


7.      窩囊廢


Good-for-nothing; weakling


He talks a good story but is actually a good-for-nothing.

Bob always takes it on the chin. He never fights back. He's a weakling.


8.      一根筋


Single-mindedly; determinedly


It』s hard to reason with someone who is single-mindedly bent on tarnishing your reputation.


9.      一窩端


Completely; lock stock and barrel; hook line and sinker; whole kit and caboodle; everything a person has


Jane moved out of John』s house, lock stock and barrel.


The whole thing, lock, stock, and barrel, isn't worth the paper it』s written on.


Michael swallowed our excuse, hook line and sinker.


10. 一條龍


One-stop shop


ABC Company is a one-stop shop. There you can exchange your Canadian money, wire the funds, order the merchandise, and arrange for tax credit all at the same time.


11. 沾邊; 不沾邊


Has to do withhas nothing to do with

His failure has everything to do with his personal shortcoming; it has nothing to do with racial discrimination.


This matter has nothing to do with recent scandals at the bank. It is an isolated event.









發表評論 評論 (4 個評論)

回復 h1pan 2010-6-14 01:35
回復 九畹 2010-6-14 02:46
回復 TCM 2010-6-14 03:55
九畹: 真好,太有用了,收藏了並謝謝啦!
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-14 04:51
only 3) and 9) i didn't know. the rest of them are pretty common...

but with 3), people use phrase like "last minute effort" something like that..

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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