

作者:light12  於 2016-3-31 17:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Black People Ain't Never Been Sh- t !..Pastor David James Manning



Black people are the most racist people - Dr. James David Manning



Manning was born on February 20, 1947, in Red Springs, North Carolina.[1] He grew up in the town, which was then segregated.[2] He picked cotton and tobacco as a boy, and took a bus to New York the day he graduated from high school.[2] He became radicalized in the 1960s and said he was driven by his hatred of white people.[2] As a younger man, Manning burgled homes, mostly on Long Island.[2] Between 1969 and 1974, he said, he broke into as many as 100 houses, and once threatened an associate with a loaded shotgun.[2] He spent about three and a half years in prison in New York and Florida for burglary, robbery, larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, and other charges before his release in 1978. While in prison, he became a devout Christian.[2] Manning has said that his past life of crime and then incarceration have helped to shape his wider perspective upon life, and that he doesn't shy away from discussing it.[4]
Beginning study in 1982, Manning graduated from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York where he was awarded a Master of Divinity in 1985.[5] During his graduate studies, Manning went on a religious study tour to Latin America, and later to Africa.[4] In his theological group study tour of Africa in 1985, Manning visited both Liberia in West Africa, founded by former African-American slaves, and apartheid-era South Africa.[4] Manning met his future wife on the tour, as well as the US ambassador to Liberia Bill Swing, South African F. W. de Klerk, and Bishop Desmond Tutu.[4] Manning has said that his visit to Africa had an influence on his views about race.[4] Manning has said that his witnessing of black societies other than African-Americans influenced his views on the wider nature of black people.[4]
Manning also holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from his own ATLAH Theological Seminary, an unaccredited educational institution.[1] According to Manning, he attended the Oxford Round Table in 2004.[6]










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回復 十路 2016-4-1 02:00
This is a religious preaching, not a political gathering.
回復 light12 2016-4-1 03:20
十路: This is a religious preaching, not a political gathering.
回復 light12 2016-11-17 20:31
lym2021: 川普也一樣的。那些中低階層的白人,工作被外來移民搶掉了——難道不能稍微進取一點,把自己的學歷從高中勉強畢業,提升到大學水平么?不讀書,也敢悠哉悠哉在這

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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