
許茹芸 (Valen Hsu)- 淚海

作者:十三大爺  於 2010-9-20 03:42 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



許茹芸1974年9月20日-),本名許宏琇 (英文名:Valen Hsu),是台灣歌手。在餐廳演唱時被發掘,其「芸式唱腔」為台灣樂壇的一路異軍。









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回復 shaitthis 2010-9-20 03:48
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-20 03:53
shaitthis: 很好聽。呵呵
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-9-20 04:39
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-20 10:45
真水無香紫金媛: 聲音太普通,沒有特色。詞曲都平平。
回復 yulinw 2010-9-20 16:35
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-21 04:05
yulinw: 只有音樂,沒有歌聲~~?
回復 yulinw 2010-9-21 10:10
十三大爺: 在我這兒,能聽到歌聲-我現在不在美國。
回復 naturelover 2010-9-21 10:17
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-21 15:04
yulinw: 中秋快樂吧~~~
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-21 15:05
naturelover: 好聽!謝謝分享~~
How are u doing, sweetie?  How is the real estate course going for u?
回復 深秋的雲 2010-9-22 06:13
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-22 14:47
深秋的雲: 喜歡她的"獨角戲".
Good to know you like Valen -- she is cool
回復 wd6364 2010-9-26 01:34
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-26 12:19
wd6364: 這是老子12年前聽的,看來你最近置了不少行頭啊
Hey how are you sweetie?  Haven't heard from you lately.  No, those are just photos of Cartman downloaded from SouthParkstudios.com.  I don't come to this website as much as I used to, because 1) I find some people here are really retarded, 2) some people I used to chat so intimately turn back on me in almost a real-bitch fashion.  I felt really cold inside for a while
回復 wd6364 2010-9-28 11:09
十三大爺: Hey how are you sweetie?  Haven't heard from you lately.  No, those are just photos of Cartman downloaded from SouthParkstudios.com.  I don't come to
question no 1 :you come here to search for retarded people or not ?if yes well you succeded;if no why you care about them.No 2 Did I turn back on you ?THINK ABOUT THIS:There r people you used to f ,r not so friendly  afterwards ,let alone those you talked to occasionally.Logic please.多次強調的。
I feel hot outside and inside ,so I make frequent visit here
Just be cool
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-28 16:42
wd6364: question no 1 :you come here to search for retarded people or not ?if yes well you succeded;if no why you care about them.No 2 Did I turn back on you
I don't think I've got entirely what you were trying to say.  What I can say is this: I met a few quite interesting women on this website since 2009 and I have enjoyed knowing them immensely, this is with you included.  

No, you have always acted as a friend, who I was able to chat freely as well as seeking counsel (you have never turned back on me).   For those who I had arguments before, I am not bothered too, as long as she genuinely believed what she said not through some sort of rage merely to defend herself or her interplanetary maverick friends.   The last thing we want to remove from our society is the freedom of mind, which would be against all the things I believe.

Regarding "retard" and "ignorance", the first term is utterly inappropriate as well as offensive to folks who do suffer from mental deficiency.  I've got to apologize for casting such a spell to the folks in backchina.com.  With that said, the level of common sense as well as our basic understanding of worldly affairs (including science) within this village really deserves some improvements.

One of the things I always say is that enlightenment will NOT necessarily make you an instant 6-figure salary, but does open up your mind.  And by doing that, you see your world and the people surrounding you differently, i.e. hopefully you would abandon the idea of hauling rock on your fellow 「村友" no matter how much they disagree with you.
回復 wd6364 2010-9-29 03:55
十三大爺: I don't think I've got entirely what you were trying to say.  What I can say is this: I met a few quite interesting women on this website since 2009
回復 十三大爺 2010-9-29 05:10
wd6364: 看來陛下的英文不好哇.我想表達的是,你不因為一個人或者幾個人對你的態度而改變你的喜好.自由思想是可貴的,也是要付出代價的.人尋求的是共鳴和默契,不是攻擊和傷
My English is not good, I get it.  Thanks, sisi.  Honestly I don't think you quite get what I wrote.  And honestly I think my English writing actually improved over last year.   Writing is partly linguistic and partly a reflection of your thinking process, whether this's English or Chinese and whether this is a scientific paper or a blog.  If you can't think clearly, you don't write clearly.  By reading what you wrote, I can basically tell how clearly you think.  You don't appear to fare very highly in that regard, this is NOT to diminish your many other fine qualities.  But you do write intriguing novels in Chinese which impress me.  

你趕緊抱抱我吧,我真的有點難受。現在溫哥華是不是已經很冷了?我的一個好朋友(和他太太)原來在做University of British Columbia一個基礎系的系主任,兩個人兩年之前回英國去了。我去了世界很多地方,溫哥華是非常象英國的,氣候和文化都象。英國的這時候已經有點涼了。
回復 wd6364 2010-9-29 13:17
十三大爺: My English is not good, I get it.  Thanks, sisi.  Honestly I don't think you quite get what I wrote.  And honestly I think my English writing actuall
我姓王,當然說我啦。和你說話被迫放洋P。Honestly you think too much and feel no one can gets you .難受啥呢?得了絕症還是花柳?您太情緒化了,嘴和刀一樣,心又那麼地敏感。好吧,等我穿上防彈背心再抱你。
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-9-30 03:50

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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