
John Lennon - 約翰·列儂,大英帝國最優秀勳章 甲殼蟲的最優秀最有才的音樂家

作者:十三大爺  於 2010-5-22 14:16 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




John Lennon rehearses Give Peace A Chance (1969)

File:The Beatles in America.JPG

Lennon, left, and the rest of The Beatles arriving in the US in 1964


The cover art for the album Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins by John Lennon and Yoko Ono (小野洋子)

File:Loving John.jpg

John Lennon and May Fung Yee Pang ( 龐鳳儀), John Lennon's last girlfriend.

約翰·列儂MBE英語John Lennon1940年10月9日1980年12月8日),全名約翰·溫斯頓·小野·列儂[1][2], 英國搖滾音樂家、創作歌手、作家與積極的和平運動家,以身為披頭士樂團創團團員揚名全球。列儂與保羅·麥卡尼的合作是20世紀最成功也是最具影響力的創作組合之一,並「創作了搖滾史上最受歡迎的歌曲」[3]。 他在單曲榜史最有成就的作曲家中名列第二,僅次於麥卡尼[4]

列儂在他的音樂、電影、書作中,甚至在記者會與專訪時,無刻不顯露出一種桀驁不馴、反抗權威的性格與尖刻而諷刺的才思。同他的妻子小野洋子,列儂身為激進和平主義者與視覺藝術家,其作品亦是極具爭議性。在披頭士樂團解散后,列儂發行了《約翰列儂/塑膠小野樂團》與《想像》等備受讚譽的專輯,也創作了〈Give Peace a Chance〉、 〈Imagine〉等傳唱度極高的經典歌曲,順利開創了單飛生 涯。在為陪伴兒子尚恩成長、而自願「引退」后,列儂以專輯《雙重幻想曲》復出樂壇,但發行不到一個月的時間便遭到槍殺。該專輯后獲得1981年葛萊美獎年度最佳專輯獎座。

2002年,BBC的一次民調票選百大偉大英國人中,列儂名列第8。2004年,列儂在《滾石》雜誌在「不朽傳奇:史上最偉大的五十位音樂家」中排行第38(披頭士名列榜首),2008年時亦再度入 選《滾石》史上最偉大的五十位歌手排行榜[5]。 列儂在逝后,分別於1987年與1994年入選創作名人堂[6]搖滾名人堂[7]









發表評論 評論 (11 個評論)

回復 wd6364 2010-5-24 14:38
回復 十三大爺 2010-5-24 17:37
wd6364: 您這麼折騰,就不怕人找您麻煩嗎?集剽竊黃色極端於一體.
as long as u don't sue me
回復 wd6364 2010-5-25 01:34
十三大爺: as long as u don't sue me
回復 十三大爺 2010-5-25 02:10
wd6364: 別說,你喜歡的也都是我所欣賞的.難得啊.我前幾年還專門查他們的故事呢
Now you see it -  John and Yoko in complete nudity... They were so beautiful and so pure in their idealistic pursuit, weren't they?
回復 wd6364 2010-5-25 03:43
十三大爺: Now you see it -  John and Yoko in complete nudity... They were so beautiful and so pure in their idealistic pursuit, weren't they?
Yes indeed.I can put myself out there just like that ,but need a brave man
回復 十三大爺 2010-5-25 10:26
wd6364: Yes indeed.I can put myself out there just like that ,but need a brave man
So that's all about my dick, isn't it?  Here I offer...
回復 wd6364 2010-5-25 12:08
十三大爺: So that's all about my dick, isn't it?  Here I offer...
The moment you opened your mouth, you killed the joy.
When we are talking about D and P,we should not have  mentioned the word itself at all.Bring on some in depth conversation,will u
回復 十三大爺 2010-5-25 20:35
wd6364: The moment you opened your mouth, you killed the joy.
When we are talking about D and P,we should not have  mentioned the word itself at all.Bring on
Apologies from your shallow and vulgar 大爺
回復 wd6364 2010-5-26 03:08
十三大爺: Apologies from your shallow and vulgar 大爺
U r not serious ,r u ?Always be prepared for battle of teasing and be teased.
回復 十三大爺 2010-5-26 06:27
wd6364: U r not serious ,r u ?Always be prepared for battle of teasing and be teased.
I just want to be politically correct
回復 wd6364 2010-5-26 14:15
十三大爺: I just want to be politically correct
Prefer to stay away from that word-not a game I can afford to play.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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