

作者:十三大爺  於 2010-2-7 14:25 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



老中愛開SUV的也不少。學生和博士后一般買個Toyato RAV4, Honda CR-V,  再高級點買個Highlander, Pathfinder, Pilot.  混的再好點的比如做買賣的,家裡有個大夫律師嘛的,就得買個Mercedes M Class, BMW X5,或者就是Lexus 470, Acura MRX.  為什麼呢?你講話得把中文學校和教會那幫傻鄙比下去啊。老中很有意思:不管別人怎麼說,自己怎麼痛罵日本鬼子,但對日本車的感情大了去了,這是另話。再有錢的該怎麼辦?有檔次的:買個Range Rover:這是英國車,非常豪華全能四輪驅動的能力非常上乘。 七萬左右,國內好多影視大腕兒買的不少。但咱這村裡也有另立獨行的,愛開SRX,跟我是親戚啊。 您要是不知道SRX是什麼,趕緊去中國超市買一塊山水嫩豆腐往自己腦門兒上拍。我最喜歡的SUV是Land Rover Discovery。廢油,有時愛壞,但不是那麼貴,四萬左右可以買裝置很好的。它的英國設計味道和越野能力無人能及。貼一段給你開開眼。千萬別拿您自己的車嘗試以下的動作,不然翻車人亡,您家孩子還得跟著罵您。但你看見Discovery的超級越野能力是真的。Discovery幾年以前已經換代了成為LR3,老的車型非常便宜即可擁有,但老中絕對不會買,對不對?









發表評論 評論 (18 個評論)

回復 homepeace 2010-2-7 15:37
看看COMSUMER REPORT 再買吧。消費者評價很差。
回復 fanlaifuqu 2010-2-7 20:37
回復 十三大爺 2010-2-8 00:06
homepeace: 看看COMSUMER REPORT 再買吧。消費者評價很差。
回復 jjsummer95 2010-2-8 07:35
現在他成了老印的車, 打死我也不買
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-2-21 13:40
SRX太小意思, XLR好.
回復 十三大爺 2010-2-21 13:50
xoyuanfen: SRX太小意思, XLR好.
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-2-21 14:33
你十三大爺: 大奶不知為什麼不理我了,我很難過。
她很忙啊, 最近很少上網.
回復 十三大爺 2010-2-21 15:06
xoyuanfen: 她很忙啊, 最近很少上網.
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-2-21 15:16
別畫餅充饑了, 找個實在的吧.
回復 十三大爺 2010-2-21 15:40
xoyuanfen: 別畫餅充饑了, 找個實在的吧.
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-2-21 15:44
你十三大爺: 還是我們二奶中肯。。。
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-20 13:39
stellazhu111: 我的SUV在速度0的時候被人撞了, 28小時后的現在, 坐在地上給你打字的那個被撞的人, 左邊是麻的, NND, 如果不是SUV, 除了眼睛不麻, 這會哪都不屬於自己的感覺.
Did you see a doctor straight away after the accident?  Make sure this enters into the police report, and this WILL affect the insurance compensation from the other party
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-20 13:53
stellazhu111: i saw two different doctors already, contact both ins. companies and get both estimates, plus both claims #s,....... most important thing, I even int
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-20 13:58
stellazhu111: send to my paypal account $10.00, i will tell you.
Seriously, make sure this is entered into the police report, that's most important part when comes to insurance compensation.
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-20 14:07
stellazhu111: that is the exact part which I missed............coz this is very first accident of my life time.....and I did it WRONG way......
Did you call the cop after the accident?  Make sure you talk to your insurance company right away and explain to them.  Ask them if a police report is needed.  If so, talk to your local police right away and furnish a report.  If I were you, I would do this right away
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-20 14:10
stellazhu111: I didn't call the police, and what I shall do now...grandpa.
I am not old.  I was going to ask you out later
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-20 14:25
stellazhu111: my SVU is not among yr list, but still a good rating one..expecially in china market........to be honest, I just drove over 10K last week, my poor bo
Let me guess, a RAV4 or CR-V?  If not, let me know.  Since you are in such a bad shape after the accident, the car could be worse.  You might be considering to buy a new one.  I can give u some tips about cars.  I have driven a lot of cars, I mean a lot
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-20 22:56
stellazhu111: my is Q7, and the estimate fixing price is $5,000 +, it is not so visibly damaged, while the person who gave that estimate still indicated that that
Okay, tell me what car crashed into your standing still Q7.  An unstoppable Toyota Prius I guess.  On your pain, did you have any spine injury?  If I were u, I will NOT take your pain so lightly.  You seem entitled to a big compensation from the insurance company.   Make sure you make a claim NOW

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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