

作者:qwxqwsean  於 2019-10-31 04:43 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


今天, 曼哈頓的一個公共圖書館不准我帶我的行李進去。我被迫把行李車鎖在樓外街邊的一個籬笆上。

我給紐約市公共圖書館的官網寫了一封投訴信, 發給accessibility@nypl.org

Dear manager of the New York Public Library:

My name is Weixiong Qiu. I encountered a problem with Seward Park Library today.

Seward Park Library staff doesn't allow me bring my baggage with me into the building when I visited the library this afternoon.

They say my baggage is too big and not allowed in the building. I said if my baggage is not allowed in the building, the library needs to provide a place where I can put it.

The staff doesn't even allow me put it 10 feet outside the gate. They say my baggage is not allowed any where within the property outside of the building. And eventually I have to put it out on the street on the pedestrian walkway.

How big is my baggage? It's winthin the one bag allowance of any airlines. It's the free baggage I traveled by air or by long distance bus.

I know the public library at 42 street does not allow any big baggage into their building either. While most of other libraries allow.

I feel that Seward Park Library is located at a place where no need to be as nervous as the library at 42 street.

I send this email to management of the public library, to suggest that if my baggage is the size within the one bag free limit of airlines, it should be allowed into the library. If it's not allowed at 42 street branch, it should be allowed at other branches.

哪個混滋傻能做到像我一樣, 把行李用自己製作的簡易鏈條鎖鎖在街邊的籬笆上? 










剛表態過的朋友 (2 人)

發表評論 評論 (4 個評論)

回復 qwxqwsean 2019-10-31 04:48
我的每一個帖子, 不是爆自己的料,就是爆別人的料, 從來沒寫過廢話。你們呢? 只會灌水, 呻吟。
回復 newyorker92 2019-10-31 05:30
49 years old

201 Oxford St
Syracuse NY 13202
回復 qxw66 2019-10-31 06:16
回復 qwxqwsean 2019-11-1 23:18
曼哈頓圖書館的領導給我回信了, 說要重新修改規則。

我覺得還是落後, 在中國所有的圖書館, 大包都可以進館, 如果不讓進, 就提供免費的寄存。

雪城的圖書館也都允許我帶大包進去。 紐約皇後區的圖書館也都允許我帶大包進。曼哈頓的大部分圖書館也允許我帶大包進。各大商場也都允許我帶大包進去購物。沒啥不可以的。

曼哈頓的兩個圖書館不讓帶大包進去, 本來就是在找茬, 不僅不讓帶進樓, 而且放在樓外, 只要樓外屬於該圖書館的領土範圍內, 都不行, 如果樓外一百米內都屬於圖書館的地界, 那麼即使我把包放在距樓99米處也不行。 根本不是一個稍大的包是否妨礙了其它讀者, 而完全是該分館的管理者在無理取鬧。

Dear Weixiong Qiu,

Thank you for your message. We appreciate your report and want to assure you that The New York Public Library's Rules and Regulations are designed to create and maintain a safe and welcoming environment for our patrons and staff.  
We are working on updating our bag size policy.  When it is completed, the policy will provide a clearer understanding on the acceptable bag size to bring into the Library.

Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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