

作者:路不平  於 2013-5-11 03:47 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


1. 這僅是個別人的個別行為。滄海一栗,無關大局。
2. 黨同伐異,政治險惡,不排除內中有被陷害的。
3. 切不可象70%的美國人那樣,對我們的政府失去信心。
William F. Boyland Jr.

Charged with numerous federal bribery counts, including soliciting bribes to pay for lawyers representing him in a bribery case.

Joseph L. Bruno

Charged with taking bribes and kickbacks disguised as consulting payments from an Albany businessman.

Nelson L. Castro

Accused of lying during testimony under oath in a lawsuit brought by a political rival who had accused him of election law violations.

Mike Cole

Censured after sleeping at the home of a 21-year-old female intern after a night of heavy drinking.

Pedro Espada Jr.

Convicted of siphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from his nonprofit health care network.

Efraín González Jr.

Sentenced on charges of using hundreds of thousands of dollars from nonprofit groups to pay for personal expenses.

Diane M. Gordon

Sentenced on charges of helping a developer acquire city-owned land in exchange for building her a house in a gated community in Queens.

Alan G. Hevesi

Served a prison sentence for his role in a sprawling scandal involving the state』s pension fund.

Sam Hoyt

Had an affair with an intern, was later not permitted to have interns.

Shirley L. Huntley

Pleaded guilty to stealing state grants and falsifying evidence.

Carl Kruger

Accepted more than half a million dollars in bribes from private businessmen.

Vincent L. Leibell III

Sentenced on charges of obstruction of justice and tax charges.

Vito J. Lopez

Accused of sexually harassing two women who worked in his district office.

Brian M. McLaughlin

Sentenced on racketeering charges that included using embezzlement, fraud and bribes to take money from taxpayers, labor unions and contractors.

Hiram Monserrate

Sentenced to two years in prison for misusing city money to pay for a Senate campaign.

Kevin S. Parker

Convicted of two counts of criminal mischief for damaging a camera belonging to a photographer for the New York Post.

John L. Sampson

Charged with embezzling funds from the sale of foreclosed properties and using the money to help finance a race for district attorney.

Anthony S. Seminerio

Died in prison while serving a sentence for influence peddling.

Ada L. Smith

Convicted of speeding through a security checkpoint and of harassing an aide who said the senator had thrown coffee at her.

Malcolm A. Smith

Charged with trying to bribe his way onto the ballot to run for mayor of New York.

Nicholas A. Spano

Sentenced on charges of tax evasion.

Eliot Spitzer

Resigned over an alleged liaison with a prostitute.

Eric Stevenson

Charged with accepting more than $22,000 in bribes to help developers open adult day care centers in his district.









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