糯米糕製作(Walnut Cake)
糯米粉(Stick rice powder) 1磅 (1 lb)
牛奶 (Milk) 3 杯 (3 cups)
白糖 (Sugar) 適量 (According to how sweet you want)
白脫 (Butter) ¼ 磅 (1/4 lb)
蘇打粉 (Soda powder) 少許 (Very little)
雞蛋 (Egg) 3 只 (3)
核桃肉 (Walnut) 適量 (According to you own favor)
步驟 (Procedure):
1. 將白脫加熱融化加入3杯已預熱的牛奶中.放入糖, 蘇打粉拌勻.
1. Melt the butter, add 3 cups of milk, then add sugar and soda powder.
2. 雞蛋打勻加入上液.
2. Mix the eggs with it well.
3. 將糯米粉加入拌勻.
3. Add stick rice powder to it.
4. 將已打碎的核桃肉放入拌勻.倒入烤盤中,面上放PECAN.
4. Add grounded walnut and mix well, you can add whole pecan on the top then pour into a flat plate.
5. 當烤箱預熱至3500F, 烘烤1小時既成.
5. Prewarm the oven to 350oF and bake it for 1 hour.