

作者:丹奇  於 2012-1-26 08:40 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

























不是還有更多比流產和移民問題更深遠和更重要得多的影響著其它所有美國人日常生活的問題嗎?我說是。但選民並不是根據這些來投票。一個典型的例子就是羅姆尼是怎樣為了獲得共和黨初選選民的整體青睞而不懈努力的。為什麼會這樣?第一個初選州的基督教福音派投票是非常重要的。羅姆尼是許多福音派基督教認為邪教的摩門教,他在社會問題上的立場被視為是溫和派 如同性戀婚姻或工會、 衛生保健、 國家安全或移民事務。


候選人里獲得眾多基督徒選票的是里克 · 桑托倫、 金里奇 (儘管到目前為止他已有過三任妻子) 和目前的非候選人里克 · 佩里。他們收到的選票總和大於羅姆尼。如果他們是一個有共識的候選人,而不是兩個甚至三個候選人,他們將打敗羅姆尼,共和黨將選出他們非常保守的候選人。






不知情的選民還可以把國家推向"流行觀點"變得瘋狂的方向。國家採取行動制定政策是感情用事,而不是基於深思熟慮的事實。伊拉克戰爭就是一個很好的例子。我並不是反對戰爭   我只是反對愚蠢的戰爭。





「知情的公民」是民主社會的理想。但是,普通公民無意成為知情者,然而特殊利益者卻已有圖謀。大多數人都在忙於生計,而不是忙政治。但是,特殊利益群體 (支持生命,反對或支持移民,軍隊製造商軍工複合體等等) 就有其明確的利益。


一個典型的例子,這是糖價。糖有兩種價格--「世界價格」和「美國價格」。猜猜哪一個更貴。猜猜較貴的東西里誰有利益?當然是美國糖種植者。猜猜哪一個團體有超過 90%的人對此無知當然是美國公眾。

















It』s been brought to my attention by the posts of some readers that they believe I am 「anti USA」. I disagree. STRONGLY.

The key to being a good American, in my opinion, is to raise questions about why things are the way they are, to point out injustices, to ask the question of all citizens 「can we do better」? It』s the kind of question that banned slavery. It』s the kind of question brought about civil rights. It』s the kind of question that saved Europe from Nazi Germany and the kind of question that assisted China and drove back and defeated Imperial Japan.

Asking questions is important. Being knowledgeable about issues is more important – it then allows you to ask the right questions.

All of that brings me to the point of discussing how democracies can and do choose bad policies.

Consider this – there are approximately 200 million eligible voters in the USA. In the last election only about 100 million voted. That』s terrible. Iraq had a higher percentage of voter turnout in their first election several years ago. Perhaps the USA is better at developing democracies for others than it is practicing democracy itself.

But, is low voter turnout in our elections really a bad thing? Maybe not. Consider that perhaps the 100 million people who didn』t vote but could have just didn』t care enough to vote, or realized that they were so uninformed about the issues or candidates that they made the decision to just not vote. I would say that』s a good thing.

As I watch the current debates among the remaining Republican candidates for the Presidential nomination it is very apparent that each of them plays to the overwhelming whim of the group they are in front of. And that is how democracies begin the process of making bad choices.

Studies have shown, and I have personally witnessed, how a majority of voters make a choice for President on only one or two issues that that candidate is favorable for that is the same as the voter, such as abortion or immigration.

Aren』t there many more far ranging and significantly more important issues that effect every day life of all Americans other than abortion and immigration?  I say yes. But that』s not how people vote. A case in point is how Mitt Romney continually struggles to be the overall favorite among GOP primary voters. Why? The evangelical Christian vote is very important in the first primary states to vote. Romney is a Mormon which many evangelical Christians consider a cult and his stance on social issues is perceived as moderate – such as gay marriage or unions, health care, national security or immigration.

The candidates who have gotten the heavy Christian vote are Rick Santorum, Newt Gingerich ( despite having 3 wives, so far ), and the now non-candidate Rick Perry. The total vote they receive in sum is greater than that of Romney.  If there was a concensus candidate instead of 2 or 3 of them they would beat Romney and the Republicans would get their very conservative candidate.

But, the point is that there are much more pressing issues this country is facing than to keep fighting about issues that won』t get resolved – abortion and immigration – anytime soon. But, these are the type of issues that makes people excited to fight about and talk about – cultural wars.

So, this type of process, the democratic process, allows the citizens to put a person in power who believes in those issues just as they do ( abortion and/or immigration ) but that person may be absolutely inadequate in all the other area』s to effectively be the most powerful person in the most powerful country in the world.

Uninformed voters can also push the country in a direction where 「popular opinon」 goes crazy and the nation takes action or makes policy based on emotion rather than well thought out facts. The Iraq war is a great example of this. I』m not anti war – I』m just anti stupid war.

A lot of bad policies are made by popular demand. Basically the masses yelling for something to be done in an emotional issue. However, to do the right thing you have to know something. And if you don』t know – then either find out or don』t vote. You wouldn』t buy a car without driving it – so why vote for someone or something that you haven』t studied? You may vote for someone because you agree with their immigration policy but you missed the part about raising your taxes, impairing your rights, taking away your benefits or perhaps sending your child or you to a stupid war.

The old saying of the 「rational voter」 is a myth. Most voters are ignorant. They have 1 or 2 issues that are dear to their heart ( abortion, immigration, being a good Christian, etc ) and they vote for the person who most strongly appeals to their sense in that way.

The 「informed citizen」 is the ideal of democratic societies. But, the average citizen has no incentive to become informed BUT special interests do. Most people are busy living their lives not politics. But, special interests groups ( pro life, anti or pro immigration, the military industrial complex of manufacturers for the military, etc ) have a distinct interest.

A case in point for this is the price of sugar. There are 2 prices for sugar – the 「world price」 and the 「usa price」. Guess which one is more expensive. Guess who has an interest in it being  more expensive? The American Sugar Growers. Guess which group has over 90% ignorance on this one issue? The American public.

We the people put ourselves into these positions because we are uninformed about our elected officials because overall we are uninformed about their real policies and thought processes before we elect them. Why is it that the approval rating for Congress is only 12%? But, in the next election the probability is that over 80% of them will be reelected !! Do you know why that is? He』ll do what other politicians do and say it』s the other guys fault that everythings a mess」.  But, the average voter will never look to see how their Congressman or Senator actually voted on issues. They will hear one sound bite from tv that their Congressman or Senator is still anti abortion and anti immigration and still vote for him.

So, I implore all to vote – but do so as an informed voter. Exercise your right.

「One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being

 Governed by your inferiors」 – PLATO

I agree with that. But, be informed if you participate – then you will have become the ideal citizen – an informed participant.

   「Opinion is the middle part between knowledge and ignorance 「.












剛表態過的朋友 (30 人)

發表評論 評論 (83 個評論)

回復 卉櫻果 2012-1-26 08:45
回復 德州龍 2012-1-26 08:54
回復 fuji 2012-1-26 08:55
回復 月亮天使 2012-1-26 09:04
回復 hr8888hr 2012-1-26 09:10
管他爹還是他娘, 反正有自己認識的人就選他, 沒有認識的, 拉倒
回復 lzh112 2012-1-26 09:23
回復 ahsungzee 2012-1-26 09:30
回復 tangremax 2012-1-26 09:39
回復 meistersinger 2012-1-26 09:46
One of the major problem with the election politics is the primary system. To gain influence small (FL is not small) and often conservative states rush to the front of the pack. The candidates, to gain early victory, will try to appeal to the most conservative and the most vocal section of the nation. If there was nation wide primary (or at least several regional super primaries) the candidates would have to appeal to a wider voter pool, and they will not be as radical. That goes for Dems and Reps.
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:47
卉櫻果: 不了解美國的政治,搶了沙發再說
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:48
德州龍: 民主是把很簡單的事也搞得很複雜,所以救災啊等等,肯定是「咱們這裡」最好
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:48
fuji: 要做一個知情的投票者。行駛你的權利!贊!
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:49
hr8888hr: 管他爹還是他娘, 反正有自己認識的人就選他, 沒有認識的, 拉倒
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:49
lzh112: 媒體有很大的責任。只要是大家願意聽的,就多報道,雖然理性分析問題也是有的。但是幾大電視台,媒體都是以黨派劃線,報道和評論有強烈的預設立場,廣大受眾就被 ...
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:49
ahsungzee: 不錯,很有見識。支持!
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:50
tangremax: 批評是一種責任
回復 fuji 2012-1-26 09:55
丹奇: 對,不能盲目投票。
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 09:58
fuji: 看準啦!but都是政治騙子~~
回復 北勝街 2012-1-26 10:01
"大多數投票人是無知的." 他們都是奸狡政客的盲從者.於是,每一次的選舉,民眾又再一次被騙...  
回復 丹奇 2012-1-26 10:03
北勝街: "大多數投票人是無知的." 他們都是奸狡政客的盲從者.於是,每一次的選舉,民眾又再一次被騙...   

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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