

作者:丹奇  於 2011-5-7 08:53 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村












China and Dalai Lamar』s fight



Written By Roger Snyder  

文/ 羅傑         翻譯 / 丹奇

(December 27, 2008)



So called religious leaders venture into the body politic and still want to keep their 「religious」 coating and not be attacked. It is easy to criticize; it is more difficult to be the one criticized.


I personally consider myself religious. I believe in God and Jesus Christ his son and the savior of mankind. However, even Jesus declined to venture into the world of politics. When asked by the masses if they should pay their taxes he replied by holding up a coin that had the likeness of Caesar on it and said 「render unto Caesar that which is Caesar』s」. His words and meaning are very clear, in more ways than one. First he didn』t want to create social unrest among the Jewish citizenry against the occupying Roman forces nor did he want to be labeled as a revolutionary who stirred the pot of discontent. Jesus would have been a good politician today. The Dalai Lama, as well as other religious leaders would do well to read his words in the New Testament.


 What I find irritating is that the Dalia Lama, 「leader」 of a government in exile for the past 40 plus years, is still given personal audiences with leaders in the USA, Europe, and essentially every 「western」 country, which results in ill feeling from the recognized government in Beijing.

但令我反感的是,達賴喇嘛,一個過去四十多年一來一直流亡的政府「領袖 」,還在美國,歐洲等地幾乎每個「西方」國家的領導人進行個人接觸。其結果當然給得到承認的北京政府極不舒服的感覺。

I don』t want to sound like an apologist for China, but you can』t have it both ways. The USA and China both have condemned Japan』s leaders for paying homage to their war dead at shrines in Japan because the shrines also honor some of those who are considered war criminals in China and the USA !


 Germany pays no such homage to its Nazi past. Nor does Italy pay homage to the Fascist regime of Mussolini.


 The USA should foster better relations with China by relegating the Dalai Lama to meetings with low level subordinates or other religious leaders. Better yet, the USA should not recognize him at all. There are thousands of religious leaders around the world and in the USA, but none gets an audience with the President ( except the POPE or Rick Warren or one of just a few of USA Protestant leaders ).  If the Dalai Lama wishes to come to the USA I have no complaint with that. He can come and stay for all I care. I just find it absolutely counter productive to recognize him this way and in this manner.


 However, the China Government doesn』t help matters either. The government in China raises the level of awareness of people the world over, and mostly in USA allied countries and the USA itself, by its high level vociferous objections to the treatment the Dalai Lama receives.


 I think China would be better served by just ignoring the Dalai Lama and simply saying that the current Dalai Lama already resides in Tibet and leads Tibet. There are no other Dalai Lama』s. Much like the USA recognizes there is but one China, China should hold the line that there is but one Dalia Lama – and he has lived and lead the Tibetan people for decades. Any other claims of the post would fly in the face of the reality.


Personally, I don』t think the government of the USA cares about the Dalai Lama at all. It』s a political leverage point. A counter productive one, but a leverage point just the same. Unfortunately, it is just one of many points that prohibit closer and more open dialogue between our two countries.


 I doubt very much that citizens of the USA would like it if China said it supported David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidians, who were killed in 1993 in Waco, Texas. It was an internal issue for the USA and the Chinese stayed out of it ( despite the looks to the world of a brutish government squashing a religious group – so much for religious freedom in the USA, right? ). So, politics being what it is, I think the USA has over played this hand for too long to its own detriment.


 If a man wants to call himself the Dalai Lama, fine with me. However, I would caution our leaders to distance themselves from being overtly supportive of a religious man who has stayed too long on the political stage and who governs no one and mostly stirs up ill will with his travels.


 I have no doubt the millions of admirers around the world have strong feelings toward his 「holiness」. However, those millions live in the USA, Europe, Korea, Japan, India –  they do not live in Tibet and neither does the person who calls himself the Dalia Lama - and the Dalai Lama is not their leader.












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回復 解濱 2011-5-7 09:10
很有道理! 中國政府越是把達賴當跟蔥,他就越是得意,也就越有市場。
回復 oneweek 2011-5-7 09:28
這個, 早就不理他就完了。 這麼多年扶持, 給他弄了個諾貝爾和平獎。
回復 gpan1975 2011-5-7 09:57


回復 陳營 2011-5-7 11:50
回復 snortbsd 2011-5-7 13:41
i only know one china, a china including tibet, xingjiang, taiwan, inner mongolia and manchuria.

i know, most of western powers wish those parts of china were separated from china, even they don't say that openly in the name of political correctness.

divide and conquer, the old but still most effect scheme in the games of politics...
回復 丹奇 2011-5-7 21:24
解濱: 很有道理! 中國政府越是把達賴當跟蔥,他就越是得意,也就越有市場。
回復 丹奇 2011-5-7 21:26
oneweek: 這個, 早就不理他就完了。 這麼多年扶持, 給他弄了個諾貝爾和平獎。
回復 丹奇 2011-5-7 21:26
gpan1975: 各國政要熱衷於接見老和尚,實際上對其國家沒有任何實質性好處,只是政客為了提升一下民意支持率。對中國而言也沒有任何實質損失,是可大可小的事情。

其實老和 ...
回復 丹奇 2011-5-7 21:27
陳營: 大國之間的政治遊戲,中國其實沒有和達賴較勁,中國是和達賴後邊的美國較勁。有過韓戰越戰的經歷,美國不願意正面和中國衝突就搜羅一切反中國的勢力來製造麻煩, ...
回復 丹奇 2011-5-7 21:29
snortbsd: i only know one china, a china including tibet, xingjiang, taiwan, inner mongolia and manchuria.

i know, most of western powers wish those parts of c ...
USA doesn't really care about those individuals, many officials don't even know who he is. It was the Chinese Americans who belongs to his group put out the show for him, and making those arrangements for him to meet with the President or others to stir up the pot.
回復 陳營 2011-5-7 21:55
丹奇: 不同意你的觀點。我與美國政府官員經常交流,他們才不希望中國落後或不穩定,那樣,對美國是沒有好處的。一個穩定發展的中國是美國希望看到的。
回復 微風淡淡 2011-5-8 03:16
回復 snortbsd 2011-5-8 03:52
丹奇: USA doesn't really care about those individuals, many officials don't even know who he is. It was the Chinese Americans who belongs to his group put o ...
well, i know waht you are saying...
回復 seamandh 2011-5-8 05:49
回復 冷眼向洋 2011-5-8 08:26
回復 singchuanyeng 2011-5-8 12:56
回復 天涯同志 2011-5-14 00:39
回復 天涯同志 2011-5-14 00:40
回復 ww_719 2011-5-21 06:31
微風淡淡: 問題不在中國,在外國。在以美國和德國為首的外國啊,我的老姐姐。
回復 微風淡淡 2011-5-21 14:39
ww_719: AGREE

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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