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作者:諧和。  於 2009-4-12 07:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



The others loaded their own money in the pockets of thievesTags: purse thieves money 2009-04-09 03:32

隨手打了個諧和 ,點擊進Google 裡面一看,有將近100頁的諧和 條文,俺在貝殼村的博克居然排在第一頁第五條!說明咱村子還挺招人愛看地

然後,點擊Translate Google 思想了好一陣子,將我第一頁的文章全部翻譯出來了,選一篇 把別人的錢裝進自己荷包的盜賊 英文稿放這裡,立此存個照。不管人家翻譯得多麼離譜,可是免費的啊!

The others loaded their own money in the pockets of thieves


Today, the small people are asking: Wall Street bankers that the hands of hundreds of billions of trillions of dollars have gone? How overnight, said a no no?

Gone? Media that the government did not say. Some people said: let them all go private bag it!

What sedova馬多夫cattle, the tip of the iceberg. I recently heard a thing sedova B.

This person is called a Mark Bloom, the Americans simply Bloom had asked him to clinics to save up to study hard to pronounce. He had brothers and two other partners the United States to open a hedge fund shop: WGTrading, the hands of investors holding more than 50 of the 40 million U.S. dollars of investment, including Nevada, a charitable organization of more than 13 million U.S. dollars. People trust them because the return on a quarterly basis each year is so exciting: 12% of the value-added! (Results show that: This is a fabricated false statements). The way to talk about, I do not know what is hedge funds, Soros had only heard of this guy with rampage around the world several times. However, since the end of 2008 Wall Street mycophenolate touch odds-on favorite, the " Hedge funds " The word can not seem to have some foul smell.

Bloom and the other two partners really be called a "big brother": Paul. Greenwood was a York University, Canada, Russia and the Russian State University of nuclear and UCLA professor of economics, science-rich five cars, famous; Adams Another fun embankment. 瓦萊士have is a successful businessman.

From the photo, how to see how people can so feel free to give them the money management: three in the 180 cm tall or more, the tall thin,身體結實, abdomen flat, and there are not many people 50-60 years old beer Tatu, maintenance was very good; gray hair combed properly from the hands of senior barber; gold side glasses, thin lips, a long, Paul. Newman scholar of the long face, in vain the net net; wear appropriate senior wool vest, dark-colored jacket, trim of the trousers. Three golf courses to go to a station, and a beautiful swing posture: Hey, big brother, Hello Wow.

The three other people sitting on 40 million U.S. dollars, guess purses, when they spend their own salaries. In addition to false statements made to deceive the customers, the money supply the whole of their luxury spending: Paul. Professor Greenwood in California used this money to buy the death of movie star Paul. Newman House 26 acres of farm, and 80,000 yuan of the money to buy a variety of investors bear toy for a friend. Broome in Manhattan, New Jersey and Florida have bought a mansion. There was one time, three partners have several small islands in New York.

This is not strange. More strange is that when the three men came to light after the theft, the inspectors also found that Bloom had to give the money to one of his friends in Canada Eustace custody, and this in particular, will be kept by investors money into the pockets as a household, in addition to the purchase of luxury flats, but also shaping up to thousands of dollars paid to doctors, as his blond girlfriend for increased breast surgery!

40000000, In this way, into the pockets of these thieves, in front of their own money from being squandered away! Investors have high returns in the combined statements嘴都do not laugh, until now, only found an empty! Crying all the哭不出來!

Wow! How a "thief" 字了得!

In fact, this is only big Wall Street financial fraud century in a small spray, there are more thieves do this? 懷揣afraid of is being a千萬億萬investors money, is all over the world drink wine tourism paradise, over beautiful women, yacht, sun, right?

Who can how they like? ? ? ? !


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