

作者:sj5820  於 2011-1-17 01:17 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




Guess it's weekend again, and it's the days when I can catch up with my financial sense articles...

What's been talked about the most this week is the trading on dollar, gold, and silver on Last Thursday.

Why? Because it's viewed as a crucial day that dollars was up, gold/silver were down. This could signal the dollar could be going into a rally phase, and gold/silver going into a correction phase.

And guess what, I thought it was funny last thursday that gold/silver were down, and pd/plat were up.

Did you feel funny when SLW corrected big time from 40 and up to now at the low 30s???

At one moment I actually thought, hey, maybe the next star is the palladium SWC. I knew at the time it's a wild imagination. But now, I'm not so sure.

SWC hasn't corrected as much. It's actually been holding well, and knocked out the high of 22 and change momentarily.

The reason?

I think the Russian pulling out of the production of palladium/plat is the factor that's slowly working through the system.

I finally realized I think ahead of most people. Actually not that much ahead. When I read the news released by SHZ that they will double their profit next year, the stock price actually didn't move that much. Then I counted one onethousand...until a week or two weeks later the price started to break out of 5 and then shot to 10.

I'm beginning to realize that the market in fact doesn't reflect the reality that fast...

Coming back to SWC. There's actually not that much to talk about SWC. This is the orphan precious metal. Everybody talks about gold and silver, only occasionally people say, oh by the way, there's this precious metal of palladium.

The fact is I'm beginning to realize whatever Telly talked about are actually way ahead of the Walstreet. I see some professional analyst (actually very few) talked about Palladium and SWC/PAl, and whatever they talked about are the same as what we know here. Nothing new, nothing different.

That means we are still ahead of the curve.

That means we haven't yet, and we will be, seeing the break out of SWC like SLW and SHZ.

Because the big factor of Russian pulling out of the production of PD/Plt that will cause the 40% shortage of the world hasn't been played out yet.

Last Thursday's price movement is a great indication to me. We may see a decoupling of PD/PLT from gold/silver yet.

I am counting, one one thousand, two one thousand...









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回復 sj5820 2011-1-17 01:24
這是我在yahoo論壇上跟人惡戰的貼文。Tally 其實是一個中國的年輕小夥子。看樣子是懂地質科學的人。一開始他被人攻擊的很慘。但是我相信他的數據。那種地方就是龍蛇混雜的山寨。需要很大的辨別能力才能認出好人與壞人。因為我有很多錢搭在那裡,所以就拋頭露面去跟人混戰。所以,當然,我的言論也是有目的的。大家各有私心,各懷鬼胎。彼此彼此。不過我認為,我還是比較誠實的。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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