

作者:sj5820  於 2010-12-11 15:11 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村












我居然發現daytona beach 有2房2室的condo 才兩萬五,而且是 beach front 的。海邊獨棟的房子就不用看了,都是百萬的。最便宜的也離百萬不遠。當然兩萬五的大概沒有海景。可是這樣已經夠便宜啦。如果願意裏海岸遠一點的。都可以找到很便宜的獨棟房子。真是太開心了。

當然,事情還沒有定。有黃的機會。但是這麼便宜的condo。 沒工作,我想我也會去買。









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回復 meistersinger 2010-12-11 15:17
回復 sj5820 2010-12-11 22:04
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 00:52
meistersinger: 咱也去買一棟。
well, daytona beach is a crime infested area; one of those areas with highest crime ratings in the states.
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 00:53
sj5820: 就去。我們可以做鄰居。經濟蕭條我這回真是看到了。現在不買過兩年就會漲了。房地產還是要比股市慢一點。兩年前我看邁亞美的時候,覺得沒掉多少。這次看就不一樣 ...
because not many jobs there, also high crime. be careful there...
回復 深秋的雲 2010-12-12 04:49
snortbsd: because not many jobs there, also high crime. be careful there...
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 05:41
深秋的雲: 原來如此!
well, if you have no kids, nothing to lose and able to afford that price, it might well meet your ...
回復 sj5820 2010-12-12 11:38
回復 sj5820 2010-12-12 11:41
snortbsd: well, daytona beach is a crime infested area; one of those areas with highest crime ratings in the states.
daytona beach 好像是有點亂。St. Augustine 看起來應該沒有什麼問題。
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 11:52
sj5820: daytona beach 好像是有點亂。St. Augustine 看起來應該沒有什麼問題。
well, you have to check the crime rating, especially when you are buying property. i had been to fl few times for vacations and know a bit there, but not st. augustine area.

get on the internet and check the facts, especially statistics from state government, such as income levels, crime rating, etc...

there is no free lunch in this world.
回復 sj5820 2010-12-12 12:02
snortbsd: well, you have to check the crime rating, especially when you are buying property. i had been to fl few times for vacations and know a bit there, but  ...
St. Augustine is fine.  If you've been there you will know.  Of course not inland.  From Vilano beach on towards north.  It's pretty high class.  As a matter of fact, I feel like I am a sore thumb sticking out there.  They are all old and white.  Me and my girl frient stopped at the only one ocean front restaurant.  29 dollars per person for a brunch.  A bit expensive (goodness think in RMB it's not that expensive.)  The old guy next table kept looking at us.  Not sure I'll be comfortable there.  Kinda wish to be in the dirty old daytona beach.  But daytona is a bit too far to commute every day.  Whatever, I think the blue ocean will heal everything.  I'll just stay low, get a single house, and do my meditation on the beach.  That's all I want.  To hell with the look from the white guys...
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 12:06
sj5820: St. Augustine is fine.  If you've been there you will know.  Of course not inland.  From Vilano beach on towards north.  It's pretty high class.  As a ...
don't be over worried. those old guys are on their way to the eternal peace and you just walk your own way and don't see them. if they don't like it, well, tough, the time has changed...
回復 sj5820 2010-12-12 12:27
snortbsd: don't be over worried. those old guys are on their way to the eternal peace and you just walk your own way and don't see them. if they don't like it,  ...
        I am on my way to eternal peace too...LOL...
回復 meistersinger 2010-12-12 23:21
snortbsd: well, daytona beach is a crime infested area; one of those areas with highest crime ratings in the states.
No wonder.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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