

作者:人間的盒子  於 2016-6-14 12:01 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:通信, 香水



The actor of 大哥 in 桔子紅了 also gave me good impressions. He is one of the very few that I consider quite 男子漢. I think his name is some 世雄(?). I don't remember the name of the first TV show I saw him acting but I remember he played a young guy named 何應強. Since then I just call him 何應強. I am pretty bad in remembering actor/actress' names.

I don't really admire 劉曉慶's achievements. 芙蓉鎮 was a good one she acted, and maybe 小花 in old days. She had some vision and made right decision not to go abroad. But she is the 自以為是 type person and didn't really live a life for herself. Few weeks ago on CCTV4, "artist life" program, 成方圓 was interviewed. She would consider her life as 無怨無悔. You know, no one could live a perfect life. I think 無怨無悔 is good enough.

I made a photo from one of yours. I am not satisfied with it but not able to do better. Attach it for you to laugh a little bit.


Oh XXX, the photo is so cool. It is just so cool. When are you going to bring your little boy here? I want to see him and we can take a real picture -- him and me. Don't to be too perfect, I am VERY satisfied with that photo -- I really laughed when I saw it. And I am going to forward it to my husband too.

I guess the actor of 大哥 called 寇世勛, he is not very handsome -- I mean the pretty type handsome, you are right, he is really 男子氣. Haha, we have the same taste. One of my girl friends likes the young brother, who was acted by 黃磊. 黃磊 is pretty type handsome, but just too childish.
I have same comments as yours for 劉曉慶, I don't like her either. Her famous is not because her excellent performance in the movies.
I like 呂麗萍 more among the Chinese actresses. Whom do you like?
As for 無怨無悔, there are always regrets in our life, I guess only few people can be 無怨無悔 with their lives they ever experienced and the decisions that they ever made. 無怨無悔 is a 心境. How do you think about 無怨無悔?


I finished watching movie 黑金 and tried to hold on for a while. I just started watching 黑洞 which I also got during Thanksgiving. Did you finish that yet? It doesn't seem to be something I like a lot but it is ok to watch. I just got another one named 黑冰 yesterday. How come there are so many 黑 movies these days.

I agree that 無怨無悔 is a 心境. Every one makes mistakes and has regrets. The difference is what we expect from life and how we look at our mistakes. If you do things that you enjoy, then even if it doesn't bring you anything, you will not be sorry. One example is having kids. If you enjoy the process of having kids and raising them, then it is fine that they grow up and leave you. To me, 劉曉慶 is a person busy doing this, doing that but she doesn't enjoy her life. Whatever she does is for achieving some goals. I wouldn't be happy if I were her.


I ever watched 黑洞 and 黑冰, I like 黑洞 more than 黑冰. 王志文 is such a stupid guy in that series. I can't understand his emotion and thinking at all. 蔣雯麗 is not as good looking as she was in 牽手. I think these three 黑 are 姊妹篇.
I don't know if I can say 無怨無悔 when I am old. Life is hard, every important decisions ever in our life will lead us to a different place. Sometimes I ask myself, how about if I do things in another way many years ago? Where am I? What am I doing? ...

I guess if you want to be happy, you have to learn to be 無怨無悔.









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