
Bleeding Heart (轉)

作者:桑兒  於 2009-7-14 23:20 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




Bleeding Heart (derived from Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis)
Original Writers: Jesse McCartney, Ryan Tedder
Singer&Lyrics: Musifish
Album: China Truth
http://musifish.1a.cn, July 8, 2009

Stop killing us
No one deserved the pain
"Peace" was what you said
But you didn't do it that way
The media started to lie
Before they knew what had happened

I know you always hate the Party
For some reasons
But what's your reason hurting
and killing the innocent
And everyone』s fighting around
Looking like you're crazy

I don』t care what you say
But something you can not do
You try to seperate away
So you don』t tell the truth
Look women, children and seniors
They keep on dying
You're anti-human and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding heart
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding heart
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding heart
You're anti-human

Trying hard not to hear
But you shout out so loud
You said the army had guns
So they're always in doubt"
Yet I know that the wound
was not caused by shooting

But nothing』s greater
Than the pain that comes
From your neighbours
And in this world of diversity
We shoulda loved each others
Yet every time you blame it
The Party makes you crazy,
May be excuses

I don』t care what you say
But something you can not do
You try to seperate away
So you don』t tell the truth
Look women, children and seniors
They keep on dying
You're anti-human and I~~
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding heart
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding heart
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding heart
You're anti-human

And it』s cheating all the world
Oh they find it hard to believe
I』ll be singing this song
For everyone to hear

I don』t care what you say
But something you can not do
You try to seperate away
So you don』t tell the truth
Look women, children and seniors
They keep on dying
Woo You're anti-human and I~~~
(Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding heart)
Oh You're anti-human and I yeah..
(Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding heart)
Oh, I keep bleeding heart
I keep ~~~~~~~~~
Woo, You're anti-human and I
Keep bleeding-
Keep, keep bleeding heart









發表評論 評論 (3 個評論)

回復 xinsheng 2009-7-14 23:55
"But nothing』s greater
Than the pain that comes
From your neighbours
And in this world of diversity
We shoulda loved each others"
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2009-7-15 08:13
回復 桑兒 2009-7-15 18:57
穿鞋的蜻蜓: 你是這個村裡唯一有真正良知和民族感的女性,致敬!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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