
My tube amp - only 25W per channel, but can drive big sound

作者:hog4oc  於 2011-7-12 08:13 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村










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回復 newsound 2011-7-12 11:42
what kind of speakers you can drive with this amp?
回復 hog4oc 2011-7-12 23:56
Any speakers - but to take advantage of the tub amp, you want to drive them some very nice speakers.
回復 newsound 2011-7-13 11:23
hog4oc: Any speakers - but to take advantage of the tub amp, you want to drive them some very nice speakers.
I got a pair of Infinity Kappa 9, and now I am driving them with an Adcom 555 II, ss amp (250 wpc). Why do we have to use tube amp? is it possible to use a good DAC to help the digital sound?
回復 hog4oc 2011-7-13 22:39
Adcom is a good integral amp company, but comparing to tube amp, the integral amp may has better THD, but the distortion is odd number sequence which our ear don't like, the tube amp distortion is even number - so the music seems warmer and smooth.

Also tube amp can drive big current so pairing it with high efficient speakers, the sound stage is big, music is warm and phase is accurate.
回復 hog4oc 2011-7-13 22:47
Adcom is a good integral amp company. The integral amp has good THD (total harmonic distortion) comparing tube amp, but it is in odd number sequence which our human ear don't like it. Tube amp can drive big current and has even number THD which human like.

So tube amp can produce warm music and big stage feeling (the music body is big).

When you listen to speakers, there are 3 things you want to focus:

1. The body of music (is it big)
2. The phase must be correct.
3. The bass is coming down not going toward you.
回復 hog4oc 2011-7-13 22:48
Also the speaker wire and signal wire have to be good too.

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