
San Francisco Gourmet Food

作者:hog4oc  於 2011-7-7 03:41 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


After the river rafting at Kern, we head out to San Francisco. We stay at Hotel Vitale - very nice boutique hotel close to Ferry building. We drived from Livemore through Bay bridge to the city so there's no traffic.
We love the Ferry Building at Embarcadero, we missed the saturday farmer's market which have so many organic food. We love the following restaurants there.
1. Boulett's Larder - breakfast is excellent, i never know pourched eggs can taste so good, they are run by bunch of lesbian women and have fresh new menu every day.
2. Hog Island Oyster Company - Their clam chowder is the best, and we love their fresh oyster. Quick tip choose the small oyster, usually they are more sweet and tasty.
3. Blue bottle coffee - this is a new coffee shop but OMG best coffee I had in US, we had some really good coffee at Paris before.
4. ACME bread company - best bread you can get in California, especially their sourdough bread. I think most restaurant around buy bread from them.
5. Market Bar - good fresh food and excellent outside sitting area for a quick breakfast or lunch.
6. Americano restaurant at hotel Vitale is excellent too, we usually go there in Thanksgiving time, their
Thanksgiving set dinner is fabulous.
7. Cross the hotel Vitale there's Boulevard which serve excellent steak (almost as good as my favorite Morton's steak house).
8. Don't forget to try Market One restaurant nearby, the chef is a young American who is very talent. I think they also have michelin 1 star.
9. We also stop at chinatown, the rice porridge at "QingTian" restaurant is excellent.
Well it's time to hit the bicycle trail to lose those weight. 









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