

作者:同往錫安  於 2011-1-3 16:15 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




巴赫的"Jesu, nun sei gepreiset"(Jesus now be praised)被稱為最好的合唱(Best Cantata),歌曲作於1724年1月1日,因此在新年的時候常常被演唱。歌曲氣勢宏偉。歌詞也非常棒。共六章,包括合唱,詠嘆調,吟誦,讚美。


1. Chorus
Jesus, now be praised
at this new year
for Your goodness, revealed to us
in all necessity and danger,
that we have reached
this new joyful time,
that soars full of grace
and eternal blessedness;
that we, in peaceful stillness
have completed the old year.
We wish to give ourselves to You
now and for ever,
protect body, soul and life
from henceforth throughout the whole year!

2. Aria S
Let us, o highest God, complete the year,
so that its end be like this beginning.
  May Your hand remain with us,
  so that later, at the close of the year,
  with an abundance of blessings,
  we will, as now, sing a Hallelujah.

3. Recitative A
Ah! Your hand, Your blessing must alone
be the A and O, the beginning and the end.
You carry life in Your hand,
and our days are circumscribed by You;
Your eye rests upon city and country;
You number our blessings and know our sorrows,
Ah! grant of both,
what Your wisdom wills,
as Your mercy prompts You.

4. Aria T
As far as You have ordained noble peace
for our bodies and conditions,
so grant the soul Your sanctifying Word.
  When we encounter this blessing,
  we are hallowed here,
  and chosen ones there!

5. Recitative B and Chorus
Yet since the enemy day and night
watches for our harm
and wishes to disturb our rest,
so may You, o Lord God, attend,
when we pray with devout intention:
 - crush Satan under our feet. -
Thus we shall remain, to your glory,
Your chosen sanctuary
and can also, after suffering and sorrow
depart from here to blessedness  

6. Chorale
Yours alone is the honor,
Yours alone is the glory;
teach us patience in suffering,
direct all our actions,
until we happily depart
into the eternal heavenly kingdom,
to true peace and joy,
like the holy ones of God.
To that end do with us all
according to Your pleasure:
thus sings today earnestly
the faithful Christian flock
and wishes with voice and heart
for a blessed new year.



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