

作者:同往錫安  於 2009-1-23 16:32 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



幸福在哪裡? 和平, 美善的世界在哪裡? 中國有陶淵明的桃花園,西方有柏拉圖的理想國,托馬斯的烏托邦.世世代代人們追求幸福, 愉悅,寧靜的心境, 嚮往和平,美好的世界, 逃避憂傷,痛苦並不是壞事,關鍵是逃向哪裡.在哪裡才能獲得心靈的安息.我們有希望嗎?希望在哪裡?
作業之一, 放在這裡與朋友們分享.

I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."


Generations of generations, people kept on seeking for love, peace and joy in this world. There are a lot of books talking about how to live happily. For example, one book claims that they had found the secret of happy life. The secret is to think positively about everything, and magic would come, people would find everything pointing to the positive way, and they can get whatever they want. Is that true? Can this world really be changed by our positive mind? No way. This attitude is more like self comfort. It actually encourages people to accept the reality in a positive way. That』s it. There is still sadness, suffering, sickness, war, death…


The other ways of seeking happy life and peaceful mind is to escape to their own world, such as quiet music, TV shows, Yoga, meditation, romantic stories etc. Arts, wisdom books or meditation sometimes do bring us temporally peace, but once we face the real world, anxiety, disappointment and depression would take over the peace.


Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. We are mourning, we are suffering, Where is our hiding place from all our troubles and sorrows? Escaping from troubles and sorrows are not necessarily wrong. But we may run to the wrong direction with wrong reason.


Bible teaches us that we are living in a sinful world. We are suffering and dying because of our sin. Unless sin is completely destroyed, there won』t be peace in this world. Is there any hope? Is there any hope? Yes, there is hope! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Jesus died on the cross, three days later, He resurrected from death. He conquered sin and death—two enemies we could never defeat on our own. On that cross of death, sin and righteousness met. Kindom of heaven already come but not yet fully fufilled. There is still Suffering and death, but death will die eternally when Jesus comes the second time.


David said to the Lord: 「My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.」 Where shall we hide when trouble comes? Where shall we hide when final judgement comes? Run to Jesus Christ, our savior. Run to him! Only in him our sins are forgiven. Only in him, our heart would be comforted. When we suffer, he is at present. He knows perfectly how our sorrow is, because he suffered, he was temptated, but he never sin. God is good and he does goods. Repent and turn our heart to Jesus, our savior. When we ask for help, He listens and answers. He is the light in the dark world. God created us for his own glory. Unless we rest in him, we won』t have peace.


We will continously suffer, we may die someday, but there is hope, the hope is our Lord Jesus Christ. On That Final Day, He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.


Praise the Lord. Come, Lord Jesus, come.











發表評論 評論 (14 個評論)

回復 Djogchen 2009-1-23 20:50
回復 redbud 2009-1-23 23:20
錫安姐妹在讀神學嗎?有意思,最近我在讀一些書,這些書在教導如何過spiritual life,多半不是基督徒寫的,不妨拿來做你的參考資料,看看這些書的教導是否可以給那些不信基督的一些出路。

比如心理學,我讀的那邊the road less travelled, 我還在讀一本叫做talking with your guardian angel的書,裡面提到的觀點也很有意思,還有一本叫reaching out to the angel。有很多的人是承認了靈的世界的存在的,如何讓這些人知道,唯有耶穌才是唯一通向天國的道路,我覺得這個個突破口。
回復 路不平 2009-1-23 23:24
回復 它鄉異客 2009-1-24 01:29
路不平: 請教"錫安"是哪裡?
回復 homepeace 2009-1-24 04:28
路不平: 請教"錫安"是哪裡?
回復 綠水潭 2009-1-24 13:14
Great writing. Touching...
回復 同往錫安 2009-1-24 14:30
Djogchen: 又坐到錫安的沙發了!怎麼這鋼琴調子這麼熟悉的??
呵~我發帖比較晚~ 這歌曲是"萬福源頭". 神是我們的萬福之源啊~ 晚安啊~
回復 同往錫安 2009-1-24 14:34
redbud: 錫安姐妹在讀神學嗎?有意思,最近我在讀一些書,這些書在教導如何過spiritual life,多半不是基督徒寫的,不妨拿來做你的參考資料,看看這些書的教導是否可以

回復 同往錫安 2009-1-24 14:38
路不平: 請教"錫安"是哪裡?


詩 2:6 說:我已經立我的君在錫安我的聖山上了。  
詩 9:11 應當歌頌居錫安的耶和華,將他所行的傳揚在眾民中。


回復 同往錫安 2009-1-24 14:39
它鄉異客: 笨,無錫,西安。
回復 同往錫安 2009-1-24 14:45
homepeace: 錫安是Zion,聖經中亞伯拉罕獻以撒的地方,所羅門王在此建築聖殿。公元70年,羅馬軍團焚毀了聖殿,僅留一堵院牆,被稱為「哭牆」。    不對之處,請同往錫安指



回復 同往錫安 2009-1-24 14:47
綠水潭: Great writing. Touching...
感謝主! 潭子一切還好吧?挂念。願你和你家新年蒙恩,耶和華神祝福滿滿~
回復 homepeace 2009-1-24 16:54
同往錫安: 指教不敢,一同學習。 恩,Zion的確是錫安的英文說法. 至於聖殿建於此的說法可能更多出於伊斯蘭教吧.我的印象中聖經沒有這樣說,弟兄也許可以給一個
摩利亞山 (Mt. Moriah)今天就叫錫安山。
回復 同往錫安 2009-1-25 07:38
homepeace: 摩利亞山 (Mt. Moriah)今天就叫錫安山。
謝謝~ 有機會會去看看,哈~

我們要去的是最後的錫安山, 與神同住的地方.:)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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