
Lois case

作者:同往錫安  於 2009-1-8 15:59 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



不知不覺進入Final exam。好不容易完成第一部分。放在這裡存檔:)


1.      Lois had a car accident. Her boyfriend Willie was taking care of her but blamed her careless driving. Her daughter shows indifference in her.


2.      She was frightened. She felt hurt and depressed by what Willie and her daughter』s reaction to her accident. She felt self-pity. She felt bitter at Willie and got anxious about their relationship. She was almost panic and desperate. She was disappointed with her daughter. The good part is that she knows God sustained her.


3.      She expected Willie to show more sympathy on her and understood how frightened she was. She desired his love desperately and was afraid of ruing their relationship at anytime. She expected her daughter to initially show some sorts of love to her. She did not know why this happened to her and might ask the Lord why me. She might be angry with God. She might think God should not let this happen to her if God truly loved her which she created her idol god.


4.      The consequence would be huge fight with Willie and ruin their relationship completely. She may treat her daughter indifferently. Sadness and bitterness will cause depression and depression will cause health problem such as sleepless, tendency to suicide etc.


5.      Who is God?


l        Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

Do not be afraid since God is there with us when we suffered.

l        God is good and he does goods.

Even though we do not always know why those tragedies happened to us, God exerts an imminent sovereignty for our good. Trust in him and seek help from him.

l        The Lord is our Shepard we shall not want.

We shall rest in him and should not be anxious about any people or anything.

l        For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

Do not seek shelter and sympathy from people but the Lord. He knows what we are suffering cause he himself suffered and yet never sinned.

l        The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

God』s love is steadfast, we should not feel anxiety about people loving us or not.


6.      Turn to God for Help. I would invite Lois for a prayer. Repent for our self-centered life style, rigorous with other people, lacking of love for other people. I would ask the Lord to help Lois to have routine Bible study so that she may know more about God, that she will have closer relationship with him. Trusting him alone and rest in him cause only he is unchangeable and he alone is trustful.


7.      Our God is a living God and offer help when we cry out for him. Once she is aware of God』s presence all the time, once she sees God is working in her, she would be able to show her love to Willie by being less picky with him, by being more patient with him when he grumbling, by controlling her temper. She may settled down the marriage date and willing to have another baby to show how she cares about him. She can show her love to her daughter by giving her call weekly; asking if any help is needed and visit her occasionally.


8.      The consequence would be: Lois will find more peace, gratitude and sweetness in her heart since her relationship with God has improved. She can give love to other people because she receives love from our dear Lord. She will not be so easily to get angry / anxiety and the frequency of getting angry/anxiety would longer and longer, and duration of angry/anxiety would be less and less. She may marry Willie, they will serve God together. Her relationship with her daughter will also be improved because her daughter will know Lois cares and loves her so deeply. Through this accident she may become a wise counselor and would be able to help people who suffered the same.


God is good and he does goods. Praise the Lord!!










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