

作者:同往錫安  於 2012-5-23 01:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




其實美國價值,不只是自由,民主,平等,在它的上面還有一個上帝。根據維基的資料:「我們信仰上帝」(In God We Trust)是美國及其佛羅里達州的官方格言。這句格言首先出現於南北戰爭期間。隨著基督教影響的擴大,這一格言首次出現在美國於1864年發行的兩美分硬幣上。1956年,一項國會法案獲得通過,「我們信仰上帝」正式成為了美國的官方格言。在《美國法典》第36編302條中寫道:「『我們信仰上帝』為國家格言。」



One pair of hands formed the mountains,
One pair of hands formed the sea
And one pair of hands made the sun and the moon,
Every bird, every flower, every tree
One pair of hands formed the valleys,
The ocean, the rivers and the sand
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith in the one pair of hands

One pair of hands, healed the sick,
One pair of hands raised the dead
One pair of hands calmed the ragging storm
And thousands of people WERE FED
One pair of hands said I love you
And those hands were nailed to a tree
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands

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