
請潔身自好!!-寫給單身的性衝動人士 (兒童不宜) - 2

作者:nierdaye  於 2010-10-7 20:18 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




  (1)一般性癥狀 持續發燒、虛弱、盜汗、全身淺表淋巴結腫大,體重下降在三個月之內可達10%以上,最多可降低40%,病人消瘦特別明顯。 
  (2)呼吸道癥狀 長期咳嗽、胸痛、呼吸困難、嚴重時痰中帶血。 

當時,我有些緊張。也有些震驚。真的是指人知面,難知「性」情。我不知道該說什麼,還在思量的時候,有人給我們打招呼。另外一對中國夫妻,女的我認識不太熟,介紹之下才知道,是國內的勞工/男朋友過來。那個女孩子還說,怎麼那個哥們的眼睛紅了,我順嘴說了- 他們做通宵試驗的,出來偷個懶。閑說幾句,他們就走了。等我再坐下來,發現這個哥們的臉白得像牆紙。聽他說完原委,我也被嚇住了。


我的這個朋友無論是乍一看還是繼續交往,你能得出的結論都是- 純樸,穩重,口風緊。相比其他浪蕩公子哥明目張膽的胡鬧,他倒是頗讓各種女性放心。如此以來,算上投懷送抱的和一拍即合的,一路小步快跑,居然也是頗有斬獲。













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發表評論 評論 (14 個評論)

回復 RNSandi 2010-10-7 21:33
有句話說男人:why does a man have to pay for the cow, if he can get the milk free.

回復 yulinw 2010-10-7 21:40
回復 xqw63 2010-10-7 22:20

回復 fanlaifuqu 2010-10-7 22:27
回復 瑋哥 2010-10-8 01:22
回復 世道變了 2010-10-8 13:24
回復 yunmu 2010-10-8 18:43

你的朋友是否受艾滋病病毒感染后兩個月即確診為艾滋病? 這可是個罕見病例. 1925年, 紐約市衛生局宣布發現一個病人幾個月,而不是幾年從HIV感染髮展到了艾滋病. 媒體熱鬧了好一陣子See:

「Tale of super AIDS strain raises doubts

By CHARLES PILLER, Los Angeles Times

The announcement from New York health officials in early February was chilling: A single patient had progressed from HIV infection to AIDS in months rather than years, and his strain of the HIV virus seemed impervious to normally effective medicines.
The patient, a gay man in his 40s, had unprotected anal intercourse with scores of partners. Headlines of a potential new killer spread around the world.

"This case is a wake-up call," Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, New York City's health commissioner, said at a news conference where he issued a warning for physicians to prepare for a possible new phase in the epidemic.

Yet several AIDS experts immediately questioned the importance of the case and the strategy of publicizing it so widely.

Months later, those doubts seem to have been confirmed.

No super-strain has emerged. The patient, whose name has been withheld, has responded to drug therapy. No one -- not even the man's known sexual partners -- was found to be infected with the same HIV strain.

Some AIDS specialists now say the New York announcement was scientifically naive and needlessly alarmist -- risking the effectiveness of future prevention efforts.
"Does it do good to (mislead) people and exaggerate?" asked Dr. Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the virus that causes AIDS. He condemned Frieden's far-reaching conclusions as "scientifically, completely invalid, without a shred of evidence."
Frieden and Dr. David Ho, director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in Manhattan, where much of the patient's lab work was done, declined interview requests.
But Frieden recently defended his decision in a letter to the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
……  ".
Full story appeared on Page A10 of The Standard-Times on June 6, 2005.
回復 yunmu 2010-10-8 18:46

你的朋友是否受艾滋病病毒感染后兩個月即確診為艾滋病? 這可是個罕見病例. 2005年, 紐約市衛生局宣布發現一個病人幾個月內, 而不是幾年從HIV感染髮展到了艾滋病. 媒體熱鬧了好一陣子. See:

「Tale of super AIDS strain raises doubts

By CHARLES PILLER, Los Angeles Times

The announcement from New York health officials in early February was chilling: A single patient had progressed from HIV infection to AIDS in months rather than years, and his strain of the HIV virus seemed impervious to normally effective medicines.
The patient, a gay man in his 40s, had unprotected anal intercourse with scores of partners. Headlines of a potential new killer spread around the world.

"This case is a wake-up call," Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, New York City's health commissioner, said at a news conference where he issued a warning for physicians to prepare for a possible new phase in the epidemic.

Yet several AIDS experts immediately questioned the importance of the case and the strategy of publicizing it so widely.

Months later, those doubts seem to have been confirmed.

No super-strain has emerged. The patient, whose name has been withheld, has responded to drug therapy. No one -- not even the man's known sexual partners -- was found to be infected with the same HIV strain.

Some AIDS specialists now say the New York announcement was scientifically naive and needlessly alarmist -- risking the effectiveness of future prevention efforts.
"Does it do good to (mislead) people and exaggerate?" asked Dr. Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the virus that causes AIDS. He condemned Frieden's far-reaching conclusions as "scientifically, completely invalid, without a shred of evidence."
Frieden and Dr. David Ho, director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in Manhattan, where much of the patient's lab work was done, declined interview requests.
But Frieden recently defended his decision in a letter to the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
Full story appeared on Page A10 of The Standard-Times on June 6, 2005.
回復 練精化氣AAA 2010-10-8 18:58
我的這個朋友無論是乍一看還是繼續交往,你能得出的結論都是- 純樸,穩重,口風緊。相比其他浪蕩公子哥明目張膽的胡鬧,他倒是頗讓各種女性放心。如此以來,算上投懷送抱的和一拍即合的,一路小步快跑,居然也是頗有斬獲。

哈哈哈  強人
回復 nierdaye 2010-10-8 19:51
練精化氣AAA: 我的這個朋友無論是乍一看還是繼續交往,你能得出的結論都是- 純樸,穩重,口風緊。相比其他浪蕩公子哥明目張膽的胡鬧,他倒是頗讓各種女性放心。如此以來,算上
回復 練精化氣AAA 2010-10-8 19:54
nierdaye: 所以說,咬狗不叫
對對對。 完全正確

悶騷的精華  不在於 騷, 在於 悶 哈哈哈
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-10-9 08:39
回復 xinsheng 2010-10-10 22:42
回復 Laile 2012-9-24 03:59
練精化氣AAA: <div class="quote"><span class="q">nierdaye: 所以說,咬狗不叫</span></div>對對對。 完全正確

悶騷的精華  不在於 騷, 在於 悶 哈哈哈 ...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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