
和美國的情報機關合作的中國人/機構和軍隊人員 (特務還是叛徒)

作者:nierdaye  於 2011-4-11 17:59 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



STRATEGIC rivals China and the United States have been secretly sharing intelligence about North Korea.

Leaked records of highly sensitive US-China defence consultations reveal that despite Chinese complaints about US arms sales to Taiwan and American concerns about a growing Chinese espionage threat, the CIA, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the US Defence Department have all held secret discussions on North Korea with Chinese military intelligence.


"matters of intelligence'' concerning North Korea and cited "a recent PLA Intelligence Department visit to exchange information with the CIA".

Speaking in the aftermath of North Korea's May 2009 nuclear test, the PLA's intelligence chief observed that ''whenever there is crisis there is opportunity''.

Asked by the US delegation to assess North Korea's motivations for its provocative behaviour, General Yang maintained that ''survival had always been the number one priority'' for the isolated communist regime in Pyongyang.

"North Korea is in an 'inferior position' to South Korea based on all measurements of national strength," he said. "Moreover … after witnessing the US invasion of Iraq, North Korea concluded it could not give up its nuclear weapons program.''

 Flournoy told the Chinese that if North Korea further increased its nuclear and missile capabilities, "there will be serious consequences for the security of both China and the United States".

"Either North Korea would take irreversible steps to denuclearise, or all concerned would find themselves going down a road no one wants to travel,'' she said.

"Further improvements in North Korea's nuclear and missile capabilities would cause neighbouring countries to take necessary steps to protect their security, including missile defence, improving alliances and enhancing offensive capabilities."

Other US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks late last year suggest that some senior Chinese political figures were increasingly prepared to accept Korean reunification and were privately distancing themselves from their North Korean ally.


Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister He Yafei reportedly told a senior US diplomat that Pyongyang was behaving like a ''spoiled child'' to get Washington's attention with a ballistic missile test in April 2009. In February last year, South Korea's then vice-foreign minister, Chun Yung-woo, told US diplomats that younger generation Chinese Communist Party leaders no longer regarded North Korea as a useful or reliable ally, and would be reluctant to intervene militarily if the Pyongyang regime collapsed.


Quoting private remarks by another Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister, Cui Tiankai, and Communist Party Central Committee International Department Vice-Director Liu Jieyi, Mr Chun said Beijing was increasingly "ready to 'face the new reality' that [North Korea] now had little value to China as a buffer state - a view that since North Korea's 2006 nuclear test had reportedly gained traction among senior [Chinese] leaders''.









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回復 解濱 2011-4-12 00:01
您這消息可是從「維基解密」得來的? 不是說美國是中國的敵人嗎? 咋會這樣親密無間地合作?
回復 nierdaye 2011-4-12 05:54
解濱: 您這消息可是從「維基解密」得來的? 不是說美國是中國的敵人嗎? 咋會這樣親密無間地合作?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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