

作者:野木耳  於 2010-3-4 01:48 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




老許來到泌尿科(Urology Department),阿寶醫生問他知道今天來做什麼?


老許說, 知道,我是來做膀胱鏡檢查(Cystoscopy)的.謝謝.


阿寶說對, 因為你的尿檢發現有血. 對於尿血, 我們首先要確定排除的,是是否有膀胱癌(bladder cancer)或腎癌(kidney cancer).需要用帶攝像機的管子(即膀胱鏡cystoscope)伸入你的膀胱進行檢查.




阿寶接著介紹: 我用管子從你的陰莖伸入,通過尿道(urethra)進入膀胱(bladder), 如果發現有異常,就提取一些組織(tissue)進一步檢查. 做完后, 陰莖有燒灼感(burning),還有流血,都屬於正常, 你回家后如果感覺有感染髮炎,就及時回醫院看急診.


老許說好, 還說謝謝.






沒有問題的話, 就請在同意書(Consent Form)上簽名.




阿寶又問, 下一步你願意再做一個腎臟掃描(kidney scan)檢查看看腎有沒有問題?




阿寶(Dr.Abraham)是個說話聲音清亮又和氣的實習白人女醫生.問題問完了,他告訴老許現在給他做個體檢,然後她去主管醫生(attending doctor)那裡去一下,回來就做鏡檢.你去等候室,護士會給你介紹準備和注意事項.



老許笑著說謝謝. 阿寶醫生也忍不住笑了.










The bladder(膀胱) is a balloon-shaped muscle that serves as the storage pouch for urine.

Urine is made in the kidneys and flows from them to the bladder through the ureters( 輸尿管).From the bladder, urine flows through the urethra(尿道) to the outside of the body.

The bladder is part of the urinary tract(尿路), along with the kidneys, ureters, and the urethra.



Cystoscopy(膀胱鏡檢查) is a test that looks at the inner lining(內層膜) of the bladder and the tube from the bladder to the outside of the body (urethra). The cystoscope(膀胱鏡) is a thin, lighted(有燈光的) viewing tool that is put into the urethra and moved into the bladder.

When the cystoscope is inside your bladder, sterile water (無菌水)or saline(生理鹽水) is injected through the scope to help expand your bladder and to create a clear view. A medicine may also be injected through the scope to reduce chances of infection. Tiny instruments may be inserted through the scope to collect tissue samples (biopsy) to test.`

A cystoscopy can check for stones, tumors, bleeding, and infection. Cystoscopy can see areas of the bladder and urethra that usually do not show up well on X-rays. Tiny surgical instruments can be put through the cystoscope to remove samples of tissue (biopsy) or samples of urine.

Cystoscopy also can be used to treat some bladder problems, such as removing small bladder stones and some small growths.

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