

作者:德州龍  於 2012-1-19 12:46 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


TNND, 做軟體開發的,不看源程序,怎麼幹活?

U.S. charges Chinese man with NY Fed software theft

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors arrested a Chinese computer programmer on charges he stole software code valued at nearly $10 million from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Bo Zhang, 32, of Queens, New York, worked as a contract programmer at the bank. He was accused of illegally copying software to an external hard drive, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. district court in Manhattan.

Authorities said the software, owned by the U.S. Treasury Department, cost about $9.5 million to develop.

New York Fed spokesman said in a statement that the bank immediately investigated the suspected breach when it was uncovered and promptly referred the matter to authorities.

"The New York Fed has further strengthened its already considerable protections as a result of this incident," the spokesman said.

A federal magistrate judge ordered Zhang released on $200,000 bail after a brief court hearing. He was arrested on Wednesday morning, a federal prosecutor told the judge.

An attorney for Zhang, Joseph Grob, confirmed his client was a Chinese citizen but declined to comment on the charges. Grob told the judge that Zhang holds a job in New Jersey.

Zhang was charged with one count of stealing U.S. government property, which carries a maximum 10 year prison term. He is due back in court on February 17.

The complaint, signed by an FBI agent, said Zhang had admitted to copying the code onto a drive and taking it home.

Zhang told investigators he took the code "for private use and in order to ensure that it was available to him in the event that he lost his job," the complaint said.

While U.S. intelligence officials have become increasingly worried about economic espionage by China and Russia, cyber crime experts said the case appeared to be one of simple theft.

"The fact that he was released on bail and charged only with theft is an indication that, at this time, the FBI does not believe that this is connected to international espionage," said a former law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak by his current employer.

Zhang was hired as a contract employee in May by an unnamed technology consulting company used by the Fed to work on its computers, the complaint said.

The code, called the Government-wide Accounting and Reporting Program (GWA), was developed to help track the billions of dollars the United States government transfers daily. The GWA provides federal agencies with a statement of their account balance, the complaint said.

Investigators uncovered the suspected breach only after one of Zhang's colleagues told a supervisor that Zhang had claimed to have lost a hard drive containing the code, the complaint said.

The case is USA v. Bo Zhang, U.S. District Court for the

Southern District of New York, No. 12-0108.

(Reporting By Basil Katz; Additional reporting by Jonathan Spicer; Editing by Gary Hill, Tim Dobbyn, Steve Orlofsky, Phil Berlowitz)









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回復 meistersinger 2012-1-19 16:13
回復 xqw63 2012-1-19 22:44
搞程序的是否允許「copying software to an external hard drive」?
回復 白露為霜 2012-1-19 23:30
回復 poi 2012-1-20 01:06
xqw63: 搞程序的是否允許「copying software to an external hard drive」?
回復 xqw63 2012-1-20 04:08
poi: 俺們這裡和公司有關的一概不準拷貝。
回復 light12 2012-1-20 04:16
The complaint, signed by an FBI agent, said Zhang had admitted to copying the code onto a drive and taking it home.

Zhang told investigators he took the code "for private use and in order to ensure that it was available to him in the event that he lost his job," the complaint said.

回復 來美六十年 2012-1-20 04:59
回復 布衣人 2012-1-20 08:17
我感覺這應該是一個大的 software package。那未如何Copy?這村裡有不少從事軟體工作的應有體會,談何容易,又有何用?從資料庫的設計與各鍾tables及view等,到Data layer、 Process layer、User layer 等包含大量程序塊與modules,它們又可以涉及由多種語言寫成,如C, C++, 4GL,CORBA, Java, JS,shall language 等 ,還有各種伺服器的管理以及很多batch processing。此外很重要的是algorithms,想通過某些軟體碼去反推是很難想象的事。他是否挺愚蠢啊,光是Copy 某幾個程序塊有啥用?完全沒用。若對algorithms心中有數,那未自行寫一套就是了。從另一方面看,FBI在小題大作了。有高手請發表高見。
回復 qxw66 2012-1-20 15:29
回復 德州龍 2012-1-20 21:57
布衣人: 我感覺這應該是一個大的 software package。那未如何Copy?這村裡有不少從事軟體工作的應有體會,談何容易,又有何用?從資料庫的設計與各鍾tables及view等,到D ...
所以打死我也不「work at home".

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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