
德國歌手Lena 在歐洲歌唱大賽以壓倒優勢勝出奪冠

作者:felix2005200  於 2010-5-30 06:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



德國歌手Lena 在歐洲歌唱大賽以壓倒優勢勝出


萊娜 · 邁爾 · 蘭德魯特 Lena Meyer-Landrut,生於1991年)是德國女歌手,代表德國參加2010年歐洲歌唱大賽以歌曲Satellite取得冠軍


I went everywhere for you
I even did my hair for you
I bought new underwear, they』re blue
And I wore 『em just the other day

Love, you know I』ll fight for you
I left on the porch light for you
Whether you are sweet or cruel
I』m gonna love you either way

Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
『Cause I, oh, I can』t go a minute without your love
Like a satellite, I』m in an orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can』t go a minute without your love

Love, I got it bad for you
I saved the best I have for you
You sometimes make me sad and blue
Wouldn』t have it any other way

Love, my aim is straight and true
Cupid』s arrow is just for you
I even painted my toe nails for you
I did it just the other day

Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
『Cause I, oh, I can』t go a minute without your love
Like a satellite I』m in an orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can』t go a minute without your love
Oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
『Cause I, oh, I can』t go a minute without your love

Where you go, I』ll follow
You set the pace, we』ll take it fast and slow
I』ll follow in your way,
You got me, you got me
A force more powerful than gravity
It』s physics, there』s no escape

Love, my aim is straight and true
Cupid』s arrow is just for you
I even painted my toe nails for you
I did it just the other day

Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
『Cause I, oh, I can』t go a minute without your love
Like a satellite I』m in orbit all the way around you
And I would fall out into the night
Can』t go a minute without your
Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
『Cause I, oh, I can』t go a minute without your love
Love, love, love, love, love









發表評論 評論 (21 個評論)

回復 十三大爺 2010-5-30 08:57
Your embedding link has been disabled.  I watched her on Youtube anyway.  Very good
回復 醜女多做怪 2010-5-30 09:33
不能觀看 去youtube了 謝謝通告
回復 老太爺 2010-5-30 09:51
回復 Giada 2010-5-30 14:42
回復 felix2005200 2010-5-30 19:30
十三大爺: Your embedding link has been disabled.  I watched her on Youtube anyway.  Very good
回復 felix2005200 2010-5-30 19:32
醜女多做怪: 不能觀看 去youtube了 謝謝通告
回復 felix2005200 2010-5-30 19:32
老太爺: 不讓看。找去了。。。。謝了。
回復 felix2005200 2010-5-30 19:36
Giada: 大家都說過了看不到,不過謝謝通知。
回復 hu18 2010-5-30 23:29
回復 felix2005200 2010-5-31 00:52
hu18: 有節奏無旋律,德國女人都是四方臉,再次驗證
回復 Giada 2010-5-31 12:28
felix2005200: 現在有了兩個鏈接,可能總會有一個能夠接收到的!
回復 紅妹子 2010-6-2 04:13
回復 felix2005200 2010-6-2 05:37
紅妹子: 喜歡!看過她的獲獎曲,去美國比賽拿獎回來了吧,她出名了。
回復 stellazhu111 2010-6-2 06:06
19歲, 聽說她唱的那天是她生日~
回復 felix2005200 2010-6-2 06:10
stellazhu111: 19歲, 聽說她唱的那天是她生日~
回復 stellazhu111 2010-6-2 06:12
felix2005200: 還是個小女孩兒呀!
她以絕對優勢奪得頭冠, 名至實歸~
回復 felix2005200 2010-6-2 06:16
stellazhu111: 她以絕對優勢奪得頭冠, 名至實歸~
回復 stellazhu111 2010-6-2 06:18
felix2005200: 她得了246分,第二名的分數是170分。
謝謝, 喜歡她那麼自信, 清新還有快樂~
回復 felix2005200 2010-6-2 06:22
stellazhu111: 謝謝, 喜歡她那麼自信, 清新還有快樂~
回復 stellazhu111 2010-6-2 06:27
felix2005200: 我想,清新是大家喜歡她的主要原因。
又聽了兩遍, 年輕真好.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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