
Halfway There

作者:goodoctor  於 2011-7-24 04:25 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



昨天全家到 Costa Mesa 的 Pacific Amphitheatre 看Big Time Rush 現場演出。

Big Time Rush(簡稱BTR)是Nickelodeon的電視系列節目,也是一個由四個大男孩組成的樂隊。2010年1月18日,BTR首演,一下子贏得710萬觀眾,使之成為Nickelodeon收視率最高的真人系列節目。BTR作為一個樂隊,由四個大男孩 Kendall、 Logan、 James  and Carlos組成。全世界喜歡看Nickelodeon電視節目的男孩和女孩,大都也喜歡BTR的歌。

昨天Big Time Rush終於到南加州來演出,我家和鄰居家的孩子為此等了很長時間了。昨晚四個大男孩演出賣力,加上優美的音樂、動感的舞蹈和適時的台下互動, 使得演出很有感染力,演出現場很high。喜歡他們演唱的每一首歌,孩子們高興,我也返老還童了。特別喜歡演出最後的那首「Halfway There」,音樂好,詞寫的更好:


If you never flew, we would never fall
If the world was ours, we would have it all
But the life we live isn't so simplistic
You just don't get what you want


How you ever gonna reach the stars
If you never get off the ground?
And you're always here where you are
If you let life knock you down



早早的, Pacific Amphitheatre 就座滿了觀眾

Halfway There

Halfway There lyrics

When the chips are down, back against the wall
Got no more to give 'cause we gave it all
Seems like going a distance is unrealistic
But we're too far from the start

So we take what comes and we keep on going
Leaning on each other's shoulders
Then we turn around and see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there, we're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there and looking back now
I'd never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there, we're halfway there

If you never flew, we would never fall
If the world was ours, we would have it all
But the life we live isn't so simplistic
You just don't get what you want

So we take what comes and we keep on going
Leaning on each other's shoulders
Then we turn around and see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there, we're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there and looking back now
I'd never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there, we're halfway there

How you ever gonna reach the stars
If you never get off the ground?
And you're always here where you are
If you let life knock you down

We're halfway there, we're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there and looking back now
I'd never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there, we're halfway there
(Oh, we're halfway there, halfway there )

Oh, we're halfway there, halfway there
Oh, we're halfway there, halfway there










剛表態過的朋友 (7 人)

發表評論 評論 (5 個評論)

回復 fanlaifuqu 2011-7-24 05:05
回復 九畹 2011-7-24 23:58
回復 goodoctor 2011-7-25 07:27
fanlaifuqu: 真陽光!
回復 goodoctor 2011-7-25 07:27
九畹: 年輕時髦的醫生啊
回復 BL_518 2011-7-26 08:28

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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