
kiss and say goodbye

作者:人的思索  於 2009-4-27 04:10 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



This has got to be the saddest day of my life
I called you here for a bit of bad news
I won't be able to see you anymore
Because of my obligations and the ties that you have
We've been meeting here everyday and since
This is our last day together
I wanna hold you just one more time
When you turn and walk away
Don't look back I wanna remember you just like this
So let's just kiss and goodbye
I had to meet you here today
There's just so many things to say
Please don't stop me 'til I'm through
This is something I hate to do
We've been meeting here so long
I guess what we've done ob's so wrong
Please darling, don't you cry
Let's just kiss and say goodbye
Many months have passed us by
I'm gonna miss you, I can't lie
I've got ties and so do you
I Just think that this is the thing to do
It's gonna hurt me, I can't lie
Maybe you'll meet, you'll meet another guy
Understand me, won't you try try try
Let's just kiss and say goodbye
I'm gonna miss you I can't lie
Understand me, won't you try
It's gonna hurt me, I can't lie
Take my handkerchief and please Wipe your eye
Maybe you'll find, you'll find another guy
Let's just kiss and say goodbye pretty baby
Please don't you cry
Understand me, won't you try
Let's just kiss and say goodbye










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回復 醜女多做怪 2009-4-27 04:23
回復 daomeidan 2009-4-27 05:45
我在80年代初聽過這首歌,很美!thanks for sharing it with us.
回復 野木耳 2009-4-27 08:26
feel like taking  a cold shower...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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