
Some dream -- Allan Taylor

作者:人的思索  於 2008-7-26 14:01 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I've got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
If not for me, if not for you
I'd be dreaming all day I wouldn't know what to do
I'd hang around, I'd lose my way
I'd put off what I couldn't do for another day
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I've got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
I've spent my life hung up on dreams
I float along like a summer cloud or so it seems
I get it wrong most things I do
But I can write a song and this one's for you
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I've got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
Some call it fate, some call it chance
Some call waiting around for someone to ask you to dance
If I had my way, if I could call the tune
You wouldn't have to wait 'cause I would dance you around the moon
Some dreams are big, some dreams are small
Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all
Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true
I've got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you
I've got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you









發表評論 評論 (6 個評論)

回復 遙祝 2008-7-26 17:09
回復 散落的雪 2008-7-26 23:48
回復 芳草 2008-7-29 11:17
回復 千里之外 2008-8-11 08:00
回復 千里之外 2008-8-11 08:02
回復 Zia 2008-8-17 14:09
Never give up on a dream. :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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