

作者:willshine  於 2007-4-1 06:52 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Juanita by Shania Twain

Juanita She is the restless river

running through my veins

She rides without the reins--

her name's Juanita

She lives in the heart of every

woman in the world

Within the reach of every girl

who wants to meet her

(She's gonna be ridin' through)

Her name's Juanita

(She's gonna be ridiin' free) She's ridin' free

(She's gonna be inside of you, gonna be

inside of me) She's inside of you

and inside of me, yeah


Oh, go with her--flow with her

Dream with her--scream with her

Let her take over, or just get to know her

Be everything you can be

If you can find her and free her

Juanita will unchain your heart

When someone tries to take

away the freedom of your choice

To take away your voice--

that's when you need her

She's there if you dare to give

your broken wings a try

C'mon and take a leap and fly,

and you can be her

(She's gonna be ridin' through) Oh, Juanita

(She's gonna be ridin' free) Ridin' free

(She's gonna be a part of you, gonna be a

part of me) She's a part of you and a part

of me, yeah

[Repeat Chorus]

[Instrumental Solo]

Oh, go with her--flow with her

Dream with her--scream with her

Let her take over, or just get to know her

Be everything you can be

[Repeat Chorus]









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