
Twist in my sobriety

作者:willshine  於 2007-3-24 12:43 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Twist in My Sobriety by Tanita Tikaram

All God's children need travelling shoes
Drive your problems from here
All good people read good books
Now your conscience is clear [x2]

In the morning when I wipe my brow
Wipe the miles away
I like to think I can be so willed
And never do what you say [x2]

Look my eyes are just holograms
Look your love has drawn red from my hands
From my hands you know you'll never be
More than twist in my sobriety [x3]

We just poked a little pie
For the fun that people have at night
Late at night don't need hostility
The timid smile and pause to free

I don't care about their different thoughts
Different thoughts are good for me
Up in arms and chaste and whole
All God's children took their toll


Cup of tea take time to think yeah
Time to risk a life a life a life
Sweet and handsome soft and porky
You pig out 'til you've seen the light
Pig out 'til you've seen the light

Half the people read the papers
Read them good and well
Pretty people nervous people
People have got to sell
News you have to sell










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回復 skyangel 2007-3-29 13:35

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