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回復 舉報 [ 2樓 遊客 (72.140.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-7-12 07:15
曹尼瑪 一看就是輪*文!!
回復 舉報 [ 3樓 遊客 (172.58.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-7-12 07:20
回復 舉報 [ 4樓 遊客 (184.54.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-7-12 08:06
Avoid these hand sanitizers that may contain methanol The FDA is advising consumers not to use the following hand sanitizers because tests found them to contain methanol or that they were "purportedly made at the same facility as products in which FDA has tested and confirmed methanol contamination."  The FDA also says to avoid sanitizers from the companies. Find more information, including the product code where available on the FDA website. 4E Global's Blumen Clear Advanced Hand Sanitizer with 70% Alcohol 4E Global's Blumen Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Clear Ethyl Alcohol 70% 4E Global's BLUMEN Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Clear 4E Global's KLAR AND DANVER Instant Hand Sanitizer (labeled with Greenbrier International Inc.) 4E Global's MODESA Instant Hand Sanitizer Moisturizers and Vitamin E 4E Global's BLUMEN Advanced Hand Sanitizer 4E Global's BLUMEN Advanced Hand Sanitizer Aloe 4E Global's BLUMEN Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Lavender 4E Global's BLUMEN Clear LEAR Advanced
回復 舉報 [ 5樓 遊客 (184.54.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-7-12 08:09
Continued 4E Global's BLUEMEN Clear Advanced Hand Sanitizer 4E Global's The Honeykeeper Hand Sanitizer 4E Global's BLUMEN Advanced Hand Sanitizer Clear 4E Global's BLUMEN Clear Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer 4E Global's BLUMEN Clear Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Aloe 4E Global's BLUMEN Clear Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer Lavender 4E Global's BLUMEN Aloe Advanced Hand Sanitizer, with 70 Alcohol 4E Global's Blumen Advanced Hand Sanitizer Lavender, with 70% alcohol 4E Global's Blumen Advanced Hand Sanitizer Aloe, with 70% alcohol 4E Global's Blumen Antibacterial Fresh Citrus Hand Sanitizerjj 4E Global's Blumen Hand Sanitizer Fresh Citrus 4E Global's KLAR and DANVER INSTANT HAND SANTIZER 4E Global's Hello Kitty by Sanrio Hand Sanitizer 4E Global's Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer (Vitamin E and Aloe) 4E Global's Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer (Aloe and Moisturizers) 4E Global's Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer Vitamin E and Aloe 4E Global's Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer A
回復 舉報 [ 6樓 遊客 (184.54.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-7-12 08:13
4E Global's Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer Aloe and Moisturizers 4E Global's BLUMEN Instant Hand Sanitizer Fragrance Free 4E Global's BLUMEN Instant Hand Sanitizer Aloe Vera 4E Global's Assured Aloe AAA Cosmetica's bio aaa Advance Hand Sanitizer AAA Cosmetica's LumiSkin Advance Hand Sanitizer 4 oz AAA Cosmetica's LumiSkin Advance Hand Sanitizer 16 oz AAA Cosmetica's QualitaMed Hand Sanitizer   DDI Multinacional's Earths Amenities Instant Unscented Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Vera Advanced DDI Multinacional's Hand Sanitizer Agavespa Skincare DDI Multinacional's Vidanos Easy Cleaning Rentals Hand Sanitizer Agavespa Skincare Eskbiochem's All-Clean Hand Sanitizer Eskbiochem's Esk Biochem Hand Sanitizer Eskbiochem's Lavar 70 Gel Hand Sanitizer Eskbiochem's The Good Gel Antibacterial Gel Hand Sanitizer Eskbiochem's CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 80% Alcohol Eskbiochem's CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 75% Alcohol Eskbiochem's CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand S
回復 舉報 [ 7樓 遊客 (184.54.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-7-12 08:17
Sanitizer 80% Alcohol Eskbiochem's  Saniderm Advanced Hand Sanitizer Grupo Insoma's Hand sanitizer Gel Unscented 70% Alcohol Limpo Quimicos' Andy』s Best Limpo Quimicos' Andy』s Limpo Quimicos' Gelclor Limpo Quimicos' NeoNatural Limpo Quimicos' Plus Advanced Liqesa Exportacion or Liq-E-S.A.'s Optimus Lubricants Instant Hand Sanitizer Maquiladora Miniara's Shine and Clean Hand Sanitizer Maquiladora Miniara's Selecto Hand Sanitizer Mystic International's Mystic Shield Protection hand sanitizer Soluciones Cosmeticas』 Bersih Hand Sanitizer Gel Fragrance Free Soluciones Cosmeticas』 Antiseptic Alcohol 70% Topical Solution hanld sanitizer Soluciones Cosmeticas』 Hand sanitizer (labeled with Wet Look Janitorial and Gardening Corp.) Tropicosmeticos' Britz Hand Sanitizer Ethyl Alcohol 70%h Yara Elena De La Garza Perez Nieto's DAESI hand sanitizer
回復 舉報 [ 8樓 遊客 (70.53.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-7-12 10:57

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