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回復 舉報 [ 2樓 朝鮮39局 ] 發表於 2020-3-9 18:22
pikachu said that mi.yang's suffering is all because of her gender great is so high that it till a degree of the crime. it is actually the beautiful girl has no good life situation. so her love & marriage life is suffering just based on this condition. but the outlooking is based on the kind heart of before life. this gonna be the never wrong. does she be really greedy ? it is leisure industray wicked reporters are invading her. they have dirty interest on her. i fak these asshole reporters. i think they are a group of disfigured hooligens. the violents uglys never forgive the angels. but they should suffer all they alive. now they can't speak mocking things freely in mainland . this is the first karma our nation gives them,,
回復 舉報 [ 3樓 朝鮮39局 ] 發表於 2020-3-9 18:25
lucky i like you

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