

作者:白露為霜  於 2011-10-3 06:48 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:美國, 大學, 大學排名


發表評論 評論 (45 個評論)

回復 白露為霜 2011-10-4 04:13
三Y老豆: 美國大學生從「玩」中學到很多東西
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-4 04:13
cmz: 呵呵, 去把賭注押在USC上吧, 俺心有餘而力不足哇, Go Bruins!!!
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-4 04:17
smartman: thanks for quick reply.  my concern is, though stanford and caltech are not affected by state public fundings, are their private donations or state re ...
i am sure that everyone is suffering from the economic downturn. Endowment for colleges were down everywhere. But still many private colleges are in better shapes so they can capitalize on the woes of public schools.
回復 三Y老豆 2011-10-4 04:35
白露為霜: 也要看學校。
回復 黃笑吾 2011-10-4 05:49
回復 smartman 2011-10-4 06:05
白露為霜: Stanford admitted around 40% of students from California (data comes from collegeboard.com).

Stanford is huge on the west coast. Most of applicants a ...
thanks for sharing the info.

harvard admits 25% in-state students.  stanford 40% and UC-berkeley 81%.  berkeley's recruiting is hurting its reputation in the long run.  let us compare harvard and stanford.

considering MA is not a big state, students from northes harvard admits should be around or higher than 40%, i guess.  so, considering that CA is a huge and dominant state in west coast, i feel we can safely conclude, stanford and harvard are quite similiar in the percentage of local student recruiting.  therefore, i don't think either of them has a short-coming in this aspect.

BTW, stanford will mostly likely set up a science and engineering campus in NY City.  they will start admitting students in 2012.  after that, the % of stanford students from west will drop significantly and stanford student body will greatly diverify and it probably be its big plus.

incidentally, in mid-1990s, stanford had 14,000 students, half graduates and half under-graduates.  nowadays, it had ~20,000 students, 2/3 graduates and 1/4 undergrads.  harvard has 2/3 undergrads and 1/3 graduates.  what does it mean -- i mean, is it a good or bad sign for the school?  (I feel it is more bad issues than than good?)  any advice?
回復 華東26 2011-10-4 06:30
smartman: thanks for sharing the info.

harvard admits 25% in-state students.  stanford 40% and UC-berkeley 81%.  berkeley's recruiting is hurting its reputatio ...
"harvard admits 25% in-state students." ? I remember the number used to be 15%.

From the school web, Demographics for the class of 2015:

•16% are from New England
•22% are from the Mid Atlantic
•18% are from the South
•11% are from the Midwest
•17% are from the Pacific
•4% are from the Mountain states
•12% are international
回復 Jchu1688 2011-10-4 08:40
回復 smartman 2011-10-4 09:08
華東26: "harvard admits 25% in-state students." ? I remember the number used to be 15%.

From the school web, Demographics for the class of 2015 ...
thanks for precise data.  the 40% instate students by harvard was from collegeboard.com.

so you see, 16% + 22% = 38% is close to 40% of stanford ca students.  i would assume 40% of local student body is a mature and sustainable percentage.  maybe we may further check MIT to get another comparison.
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-4 09:51
黃笑吾: 別的沒記住,就記得那些美女了!頂!
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-4 09:57
Jchu1688: 看法非常同意,而且現在的講師,教授,和社會已脫節,尤其在建築繫上,不接觸不知道,一接觸還真嚇一跳,水平夠低,他們還說設計技巧要到社會上去學,是不是誤人 ...
回復 qxw66 2011-10-4 11:09
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-4 11:32
qxw66: 嗯,美女面上,偶投SUC票!
回復 smith_h2 2011-10-5 11:34
Money Talks!
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-5 11:43
smith_h2: Money Talks!
回復 天明 2011-10-7 10:05
回復 Giada 2011-10-9 14:16
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-9 22:46
Giada: 是啊,印度學IT的學生只知道一個美國學校就是USC
回復 Giada 2011-10-11 02:59
白露為霜: USC在外國學生中名氣漸響。中國學生去學商科,會計的很多,印度學生去學工程的不少。
I am wondering中國學生哪裡來的那麼多錢學商科會計?
回復 白露為霜 2011-10-11 03:39
Giada: I am wondering中國學生哪裡來的那麼多錢學商科會計?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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