

作者:三Y老豆  於 2011-5-5 13:53 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-7 05:42
smartman: Does Boston set up a place for people to go lobstering (catch lobster)?  If so, have you ever been there?  Do you need a net or something else to catc ...
回復 隔岸觀火 2011-5-7 11:25
三Y老豆: 是嗎,還真不知道,我可能被輻射了
回復 隔岸觀火 2011-5-7 11:28
smartman: nuclear plants are everywhere, in NY Westchester and in Pennsylvania Three Miles Island.  you have to live with them. :-)
回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-7 12:18
隔岸觀火: 去查查美國核電站的分布圖吧。網上有。
回復 smartman 2011-5-7 12:18
隔岸觀火: 潘薩維尼亞沒人住吧?我朋友去俄亥俄的時候,路過那裡,簡直就象進了鬼區,很多地方完全荒蕪了,路上加油站都很少,要是遇到晚上開車,後面來一輛車能把人嚇死, ...
you are exaggerting! ^_^

king of prussia is the hi-tech center of Philly suburb and many chinese professionals are working there.  half.com was founded there and sold to ebay in 2 years for $30mm in 2001 or 2002.  many chinese professionals are in philly and they organize many events all the year around.

philly is a great tourism place.  chinatown in philly is cleaner than NYC's and more cozy.  to me, living in philly is like Deng Lijun's song "small city has more stories".

i have been to philly, lynchburg, richmond, etc. many times.  there are less people in the evening but not a desert place.

in case you get a chance to schedule a tour in PA, you will have a unfortgettable memory.

i don't live in philly or PA and have no intention to debate for it.  i am simply speaking out my genuine impression.

one more point:  three miles island nuke power plant is near pittsburgh, far from philly, about 7 hours' drive.
回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-7 12:19
隔岸觀火: 潘薩維尼亞沒人住吧?我朋友去俄亥俄的時候,路過那裡,簡直就象進了鬼區,很多地方完全荒蕪了,路上加油站都很少,要是遇到晚上開車,後面來一輛車能把人嚇死, ...
回復 smartman 2011-5-7 12:25
三Y老豆: 三藩市自己撈螃蟹及象拔蚌是要持證的,我想撈龍蝦也一樣要證,在巴爾港可坐小漁船看漁民怎麼撈龍蝦
at least when i was there in late 1990s, there was NO 三藩市自己撈螃蟹's certificate.

a policeman was standing there when we went crabbing.  the policeman from time to time walked over and  checked to ensure we followed the rule to keep big crabs and put back small crabs into the ocean.

we stood on the bridge to extend our nets into the water.  no need for boat.
回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-7 12:46
smartman: at least when i was there in late 1990s, there was NO 三藩市自己撈螃蟹's certificate.

a policeman was standing there when we went crabbing.  the poli ...
用網籠撈要證, 用魚桿釣好像不用
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-7 21:25
三Y老豆: 每個都有一磅半了,每磅$15。00,越重越貴,現在是龍蝦淡季,十月才是旺產時節
回復 隔岸觀火 2011-5-7 22:06
smartman: you are exaggerting! ^_^

king of prussia is the hi-tech center of Philly suburb and many chinese professionals are working there.  half.com was found ...
回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-8 03:15
世外閑人: 原來如此!對,秋季是海鮮旺季。
回復 Stella! 2011-5-20 07:45
1 ...234

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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