

作者:海攀  於 2011-9-27 23:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 海攀 2011-9-28 08:36
德州龍: only a few people
回復 海攀 2011-9-28 08:37
ultravires: 無論今後大衛和小靜的感情生活如何, 他們的事業終於開始布上正道。對個人而言這個是相對來說比較重要的一點。
回復 rongrongrong 2011-9-28 08:38
回復 蓉蓉花 2011-9-28 11:10
rongrongrong: 楊小靜活的最真
回復 nierdaye 2011-9-28 12:10
而那一個人直到現在,依然在實驗室進行著無休無止地奮戰,他幾乎哪裡都還沒有去過,王冠基本上就是他的全部美國。: the sad facet
回復 nierdaye 2011-9-28 12:10
WolfWillow: 其實大多數中國人非常功利主義,沒有任何道德束縛。我常想,馬克思指出的往左的路也好,尼采指出的往右的路也好,總有個寄託,有個念想。等你擁有了享受了極端豐富 ...
其實大多數中國人非常功利主義,沒有任何道德束縛: absolutely wrong.
回復 smartman 2011-9-28 14:37
nierdaye: 而那一個人直到現在,依然在實驗室進行著無休無止地奮戰,他幾乎哪裡都還沒有去過,王冠基本上就是他的全部美國。: the sad facet
well, recall our life and work in the US.  we went through the same road as Zheng did in the novel.  did not really get a break or rest until many many years later when we settled down with job, status, life ...

that is why we felt proud of ourselves and that is why we really, really looked down upon on yang xiaojing, who basically was nothing but a long-term committed prostitute to dump loved one, betray dirty soul, sell flesh body in exchange for an instant well-to-do life and/or a well-paid work.

however, i firmly believe zheng's hard work will pay off and he will eventually lead a happier, better life than yang.

remember, down-to-earth hard-work eventually prevails unfair short-cut.  man propose, god dispose.
回復 nierdaye 2011-9-28 15:57
smartman: well, recall our life and work in the US.  we went through the same road as Zheng did in the novel.  did not really get a break or rest until many man ...
absolutely true.

as for yang xiaojing, I understand everyone has the right to chose his/her own life. But, I just don't like this person.
回復 德州龍 2011-9-28 21:39
nierdaye: absolutely true.

as for yang xiaojing, I understand everyone has the right to chose his/her own life. But, I just don't like this person.
回復 smartman 2011-9-28 21:54
nierdaye: absolutely true.

as for yang xiaojing, I understand everyone has the right to chose his/her own life. But, I just don't like this person.

the reason i despised her is not because she chose a man of money and/or power.  it is because she dumped her hubby, broke her marriage promise, and jumped onto another ship at the cost of hurting and destroying an innocent person.
回復 海攀 2011-9-28 22:03
rongrongrong: 楊小靜活的最真
回復 海攀 2011-9-28 22:08
蓉蓉花: 同意!
回復 海攀 2011-9-28 22:08
rongrongrong: 楊小靜活的最真
回復 海攀 2011-9-28 22:09
nierdaye: 而那一個人直到現在,依然在實驗室進行著無休無止地奮戰,他幾乎哪裡都還沒有去過,王冠基本上就是他的全部美國。: the sad facet
回復 FZM 2011-9-28 22:24
smartman: echo!

the reason i despised her is not because she chose a man of money and/or power.  it is because she dumped her hubby, broke her marriage promise ...
strongly support
回復 smartman 2011-9-28 22:32
FZM: strongly support
thanks buddy!  cheers!
回復 FZM 2011-9-28 22:34
海攀: 感覺你們倆人都是小丫頭,觀念不一樣:)年齡大些的罵她的多,我解釋兩句,他們就連我一起罵了(不是在這個罈子里)。其實我只是描述現實中的人物,而不是什麼道 ...
that means you are such a great writer and have really touched the readers !
回復 海攀 2011-9-29 05:00
FZM: that means you are such a great writer and have really touched the readers !
回復 nierdaye 2011-9-29 06:24
德州龍: 她有權利這樣做,我們也有權利罵她
just ignore her. not my type
回復 蓉蓉花 2011-10-31 23:28
德州龍: only a few people
Different people different bihivier. It was possible, especially to male,it happenned.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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