

作者:海攀  於 2011-8-30 22:48 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 BL_518 2011-8-31 13:59
回復 海攀 2011-8-31 22:06
nnzzll: 字寫錯了,是『委屈』。不是『委曲』。
也有人提出。查了一下, 委屈更好,但二者近代通用。謝謝!
回復 海攀 2011-8-31 22:10
生於70『S: 小靜是自私的,可誰又不是呢?我們都是自私的,鄭衛如果是無私的,也就不會恨小靜了。泛泛的說自私還是無私,沒有太大的意義,隨便吹吹牛還可以,但是如果認真探 ...
回復 smartman 2011-9-1 00:15
海攀: 佛家胸懷!如果鄭就這樣混下去,難道楊小靜就應該為他殉葬嗎?要求別人做出犧牲容易,輪到自己就難了。
yang had not up used her last resort to change zheng.  she even did not want to try.  she simply dumped zheng so easily because she had a new target.

if she consistently tried her best and still failed, if she gave zheng last chance and warning and still failed, i believe many of us will forgive her.  in reality, she is not that type of person.

the major reason we accused her is she built her happiness so easily without hesitation on other's misery.  that is beyond the border line by which we claimed most people are selfish.
回復 smartman 2011-9-1 00:22
生於70『S: 小靜是自私的,可誰又不是呢?我們都是自私的,鄭衛如果是無私的,也就不會恨小靜了。泛泛的說自私還是無私,沒有太大的意義,隨便吹吹牛還可以,但是如果認真探 ...
when you claim every one is selfish, we always hold a borderline in our life and work.  we can NEVER tolerate a selfish person so easily benefited from other's misery.  that is why Yang's behaviour evoked the anger from many, if not the public.

the bottomline is: one should not be so selfish to build his/her happiness or benefits from others' misery.  if so, he or she would most likely be the target of public accussation and should NEVER be forgiven!!!
回復 smartman 2011-9-1 00:24
FZM: "她家在北京,卻連大學都考不上,怎麼來美國呀?"   總算還有自知之明, 可過河拆橋,卸磨殺驢,利用姿色,玩弄感情, 其後來所做一切,至多算良心未泯, ...
Yang's IQ is so low that she even failed the college entrance exam, even in Beijing, where the passing score was among the lowest in China.  She never dared to admit that in front of Bartman.
回復 smartman 2011-9-1 00:27
海攀: 咱們利用智商,從老闆那裡騙錢,她利用姿色,找一個好老公,大家都很正常。
let me repeat:  she abused, dumped zheng and betrayed zheng so easily.  she built her happiness on zheng's misery.  that is way too selfish!  INTOLERABLE!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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