
夜醉徐家匯 .1

作者:ryu  於 2011-5-7 16:23 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 ryu 2011-5-10 07:10
高博: 徐家匯現在是上海的上只角,閘北大概仍然是上海的下只角。
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-10 22:31
ryu: 震撼!
堪比肩 NY 的 Time Square・・・
回復 湯姆大叔 2011-5-10 23:34
ryu: 3 weeks ?
in two weeks now.
回復 ryu 2011-5-12 09:59
湯姆大叔: in two weeks now.
oh God, it's so long,
so happy !
回復 ryu 2011-5-12 09:59
世外閑人: 9494.
回復 同往錫安 2011-5-12 13:43
回復 tea2011 2011-5-13 18:41
湯姆大叔: I spent my first 27 years there.  It was VERY different then.  All the houses I lived are still there, although behind new and tall buildings. But mos ...
have fun in Shanghai.
回復 湯姆大叔 2011-5-14 02:30
tea2011: have fun in Shanghai.
Thanks! will do. Originally planned to spend a week in Japan. Had to cancel it due to he earthquake. Will spend 4 weeks in Shanghai.
回復 tea2011 2011-5-14 03:04
湯姆大叔: Thanks! will do. Originally planned to spend a week in Japan. Had to cancel it due to he earthquake. Will spend 4 weeks in Shanghai.
You are so lucky, i just got back from Sh this monday, i only stayed 2 weeks.:)
回復 湯姆大叔 2011-5-14 03:25
tea2011: You are so lucky, i just got back from Sh this monday, i only stayed 2 weeks.:)
We originally planned a three week trip. Two weeks in shanghai and one week in Japan. After canceling the Japan trip, we were not able to get the flight we want and have to stay there for another week.  Four weeks there is kind of too long based on my past experience. Kids ran out of things to do there.  It is too hot to travel inside China in the summer.

Anything interesting during your trip?
回復 ryu 2011-5-15 15:51
drfang: 去年回國也去了一次,因為手錶沒電了,問了許多錶店都不肯換電池,非要我去美羅城樓上修,所以是被去了一次徐家匯,給我的感覺就是人太多,有些亂.真正本地人很少.
回復 ryu 2011-5-15 15:52
同往錫安: 唯一的印象就是很多人~
回復 ryu 2011-5-15 15:53
tea2011: You are so lucky, i just got back from Sh this monday, i only stayed 2 weeks.:)
Anything interesting during your  2 weeks ?
回復 ryu 2011-5-15 15:55
湯姆大叔: We originally planned a three week trip. Two weeks in shanghai and one week in Japan. After canceling the Japan trip, we were not able to get the flig ...
hope you all have fun in Shanghai .
1 ...234

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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