

作者:kzhoulife  於 2010-11-5 17:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 瑋哥 2010-11-6 04:24
kzhoulife: 哈哈,俺是為您兒子的兒子的兒子擔心
回復 xqw63 2010-11-6 05:22
kzhoulife: 不太明白這句話的意思
回復 mh224 2010-11-6 05:46
華東26: 您要回到二戰那陣子?
回復 kzhoulife 2010-11-6 06:03
xqw63: 有種族歧視的嫌疑
回復 tatataba 2010-11-6 07:04
溪水牡丹: 是嗎?哈哈
回復 溪水牡丹 2010-11-6 07:05
tatataba: 蠟是拉里銀哩?
回復 tatataba 2010-11-6 07:11
溪水牡丹: 你這是中國話嗎?
回復 溪水牡丹 2010-11-6 07:12
tatataba: 蠟是拉里銀哩?
回復 tatataba 2010-11-6 07:53
溪水牡丹: 我當然是中國人呀,哈哈
回復 tatataba 2010-11-6 07:57
回復 溪水牡丹 2010-11-6 09:39
tatataba: Hiahia
回復 Gao-Feng 2010-11-6 09:59
"美國居高不下的失業率,製造業工作流失是主要原因。" 俺不認為這是主要原因。主要原因是你我還圍著車子、銀子和房子,這三個東西轉。

人類工業文明的發展:從人力車輪,馬車輪,火車輪,汽車輪,到滑鼠輪,是輪番取代的過程。 美國政客們救濟地是將要被淘汰的汽車和金融業,是為了他們製造商和銀行家親友們的利益,機器解放了體力,電腦解放了腦力, 網際網路解放了人類的思維方式。政客們不去想法刺激人們的思維,來創造財富,而是維持將要被淘汰的汽車和金融業,這都是陳舊機械的體力和腦力勞動, 沒有啥創造, 資源有限,這些救濟措施反而抑制美國最有創新行業-信息業 GOOGLE為代表; 社交業, facebook 為代表; 新聞業 wikileaks.org 為代表;教育業, wikipedia.org 為代表;等等朝陽行業的發展。

政客們就是想法設法讓你我守著汽車,銀行,建築這一畝三分田。 不去動腦打打獵,釣釣魚,尋尋花,問問柳。每個人永遠為著車子,銀子,房子這些原始無知追求而忙忙碌碌。

隨著科技進步,美國老百姓從1930年前後就已經豐衣足食啦,失業率是科學技術進步的必然結果,如果失業率是10%,平均每人的工作時間就相應的減少10%,這樣大家都有工作,不用政客花稅金來製造就業機會。 但美國政客為了讓老百姓都別閑下來享受生活,想法設法增加GDP, 提高就業率。對內,加大消費(也是浪費)力度;對外,擴軍備戰,把其他國家打個稀巴爛,再幫他們重建。咱們人類能不能消停會兒?奧巴馬政府應制定新法令,今後不準花錢來製造就業機會, 讓美國人民帶頭每周工作3天,每天工作7小時。 讓咱們也清閑以下哈,去打打獵,釣釣魚,尋尋花,問問柳。問題不就解決了嗎?
回復 xqw63 2010-11-6 10:06
kzhoulife: 呵呵,關起門來,在自家院里說句實話,應該沒什麼大問題吧!
回復 pengl 2010-11-6 11:37
回復 jiandao 2010-11-7 15:36
回復 kzhoulife 2010-11-8 03:54
18 Iconic Products That America Doesn't Make Anymore
Posted Nov 04, 2010 08:00am EDT by Anika Anand and Gus Lubin in Investing, Products and Trends, Recession
Related: f, ge, mat, DELL, MOT, aapl, bni
Provided by the Business Insider November 1, 2010:

Another American icon has bit the dust: Pontiac.

GM is canceling the 84-year-old brand after winding down production over the past few years. Like other American automakers, it is restructuring and rebranding to compete with foreign companies.

Pontiac joins a long list of iconic products that aren't made anywhere in America.

Meanwhile, plenty of beer is still made here, but many of America』s most-iconic beer brands, including Miller, Coors, and Budweiser, are owned by foreign companies. In 2008, Anheuser-Busch, the St. Louis-based company that has a nearly 50 percent market share in the U.S., was sold to InBev, a Belgium-based conglomerate run by Brazilian executives. In the accompanying video, Julie McIntosh, author of Dethroning the King: The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon, discusses the deal with Yahoo! Finance economics editor Daniel Gross.

Here are 18 Iconic Products That America Doesn't Make Anymore:

Rawlings baseballs

Last production date: 1969

Rawlings is the official supplier of baseballs to Major League Baseball. The St. Louis shop was founded in 1887 by George and Alfred Rawlings. In 1969 the brothers moved the baseball-manufacturing plant from Puerto Rico to Haiti and then later to Costa Rica.

Etch a Sketch

Last production date: 2000

Etch A Sketch, an iconic American toy since the 1960s, used to be produced in Bryan, Ohio, a small town of 8,000. Then in Dec. 2000, toymaker Ohio Art decided to move production to Shenzhen, China.

Converse shoes

Last production date: 2001

Marquis M. Converse opened Converse Rubber Show Company in Massachusetts in 1908. Chuck Taylors– named after All American high school basketball player Chuck Taylor– began selling in 1918 as the show eventually produced an industry record of over 550 million pairs by 1997. But in 2001 sales were on the decline and the U.S. factory closed. Now Chuck Taylors are made in Indonesia.

Stainless steel rebar

Last production date: circa 2001

Many forms of this basic steel product are not available domestically. Multiple waivers to the Buy America Act have allowed purchase of rebar internationally.

Note: The Buy America Act requires government mass transportation spending to use American products.

Dress shirts*

Last production date: Oct. 2002

The last major shirt factory in America closed in October 2002, according to NYT. C.F. Hathaway's Maine factory had been producing shirts since 1837.

*We know there are other shirt manufacturers in America. They do not produce in large quantities or supply major brands.

Mattel toys

Last production date: 2002

The largest toy company in the world closed their last American factory in 2002. Mattel, headquartered in California, produces 65 percent of their products in China as of August 2007.


Last production date: circa 2003

A waiver to the Buy America Act permitted an American producer of wheel-chair accessible minivans to purchase Canadian chassis for use in government contracts, because no chassis were available from the United States. The waiver specified: "General Motors and Chrysler minivan chassis, including those used on the Chevrolet Uplander, Pontiac Montana, Buick Terraza, Saturn Relay, Chrysler Town & Country, and Dodge Grand Caravan, are no longer manufactured in the United States."

Note: The Buy America Act requires government mass transportation spending to use American products.

Vending machines

Last production date: circa 2003

You know that thing you put bills into on a vending machine? It isn』t made in America, according to a waiver to the Buy America Act.

Neither is the coin dispenser, according to this federal waiver.

Note: The Buy America Act requires government mass transportation spending to use American products.

Levi jeans

Last production date: Dec. 2003

Levi Strauss & Co. shut down all its American operations and outsourced  production to Latin America and Asia in Dec. 2003. The company's denim products have been an iconic American product for 150 years.

Radio Flyer's Red Wagon

Last production date: March 2004

The little red wagon has been an iconic image of America for years. But once Radio Flyer decided its Chicago plant was too expensive, it began producing most products, including the red wagon, in China.


Last production date: Oct. 2004

Five Rivers Electronic Innovations was the last American owned TV color maker in the US. The Tennessee company used LCoS (liquid crystal on silicon) technology to produce televisions for Philips Electronics. But after Philips decided to stop selling TVs with LCoS, Five Rivers eventually filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Oct. 2004. As part of its reorganization plan, the company stopped manufacturing TVs.

Now there are ZERO televisions made in America, according to Business Week.

Cell phones

Last production date: circa 2007

Of the 1.2 billion cell phones sold worldwide in 2008, NOT ONE was made in America, according to Manufacturing & Technology publisher Richard McCormick.

After studying the websites of cell phone companies, we could not identify a single phone that was not manufactured primarily overseas.

Railroads (parts including manganese turnout castings, U69 guard bars, LV braces and weld kits)

Last production date: circa 2008

Here's another standout from dozens of waivers to the Buy America Act: railroad turnouts and weld kits.

Manganese turnout castings are used to widen railroad tracks, and they were used to build our once-great railroad system. U69 guard bars, LV braces and Weld Kits, along with 22 mm Industrial steel chain are basic items that were certifiably not available in the US.

Note: The Buy America Act requires government mass transportation spending to use American products.

Dell computers

Last production date: Jan. 2010

In January 2010, Dell closed its North Carolina PC factory, its last large U.S. plant. Analysts said Dell would be outsourcing work to Asian manufacturers in an attempt to catch up with the rest of the industry, said analyst Ashok Kumar.

Canned sardines

Last production date: April 2010

Stinson Seafood plant, the last sardine cannery in Maine and the U.S., shut down in April. The first U.S. sardine cannery opened in Maine in 1875, but since the demand for the small, oily fish declined, more canneries closed shop.

Pontiac cars

Last production date: May 2010

The last Pontiac was produced last May. The brand was formally killed on Halloween, as GM contracts Pontiac dealerships expired.

The 84-year-old GM brand was famous for muscle cars.

Forks, spoons, and knives

Last production date: June 2010

The last flatware factory in the US closed last summer. Sherrill Manufacturing bought Oneida Ltd. in 2005, but shut down its fork & knife operations due to the tough economy. CEO Greg Owens says his company may resume production "when the general economic climate improves and as Sherrill Manufacturing is able to put itself back on its feet and recapitalize and regroup."

Incandescent light bulb

Last production date: Sept. 2010

The incandescent light bulb (invented by Thomas Edison) has been phased out.

Our last major factory that made incandescent light bulbs closed in September 2010. In 2007, Congress passed a measure that will ban incandescents by 2014, prompting GE to close its domestic factory.

Note: A reader pointed out that the Osram/Sylvania Plant in St. Mary's, Penn. is still producing light bulbs to fill old and international contracts. However, the plant has announced plans to wind down incandescent production.


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