

作者:東方華  於 2010-6-23 00:47 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 xqw63 2010-6-23 05:59
東方華: 執法不嚴也可以通融,那就是管理的問題了。如有紀律約束和依法規處置,就會改過來的。
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 06:08
xqw63: 再舉個例子,偏僻農村買賣婦女,警察解救只能象小偷一樣
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-23 07:09
東方華: 咱也學學你老兄的風格,英語不好請多擔待:

1。 yes, i do, not guys thou.  執政黨conducted 文革 in a way of totally trashing all traditional values in
1) the cultural revolution was a disaster and nobody denies that. true it didn't establish a new moral system as mao intended. but it didn't really destroy the old code of conduct either. from another perspective, it proves that the establishment of a new culture value takes very long time. 道德淪喪, 掛著羊頭賣狗 are not something new, in fact, when i was in southern part of africa first in mid 90s, those chinese there were not from mainland china. as i said before, i rather not talk about things not so pleasant...

indeed, those 'righteous" minyun people here do the exact 掛著羊頭賣狗肉  stuff here...

2) i didn't say you could not. but i certainly think this 執政黨  could represent the most of people of china, obviously not include you.

what else could you come up except this "voting democracy"? guess you just can't come up anything your own!

yes, i support prc/ccp with my conscious mind. as long as your types are not messing around china, as long as china is one piece, as long as china moving forward, as long as problems are being solved, as long as the lives of the people of china is improving, prc will have my support.
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 07:23
snortbsd: 1) the cultural revolution was a disaster and nobody denies that. true it didn't establish a new moral system as mao intended. but it didn't really d
okey, point one well taken eventhough others' wrongdoing does not give you the right to do the same.
with regard to point 2,
2.1   just how do you know that "this 執政黨 could represent the most of people of china"?
2.2   why i need to reinvent the wheel when democracy is proven to be more justified social system?  
2.3  why one party rule is the only solution to keep china unified while history proved otherwise repeatedly?
回復 SirCat 2010-6-23 07:24
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 07:29
SirCat: 頂老兄的嚴肅思考
回復 華東方 2010-6-23 07:36
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 07:39
華東方: 換個題目說說,咋老說一個題目,老沒勁吶
回復 華東方 2010-6-23 07:50
東方華: 意猶未盡接著說呀~
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 08:00
華東方: 啥時是個盡吶
回復 oneweek 2010-6-23 08:19
有條有理。 十分佩服
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 08:24
oneweek: 有條有理。 十分佩服
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-23 08:54
東方華: okey, point one well taken eventhough others' wrongdoing does not give you the right to do the same.
with regard to point 2,
2.1   just how do you kn
1) just see how many of people here on your guys side? even you guys create million of IDs, still the support for your guys is pathetically marginal...

2) you must be joking!!! are you blind or something? just give me few examples that this "voting democracy" even worked in last 20 some years in those third world countries. i can have a long list for that failed "voting democracy"; got hundreds and thousands people killed, if not millions; economies just went down to the tube; countries were disintegrated into pieces; civil wars were broken out... i can go on, on and on...

3) well, i would love to hear this "while history proved otherwise repeatedly". if my knowledge of the history of china is correct, the overthrown of qing dynasty was 1911; it was the first time in the long history of china that symbolized the painful birth of a new china in modern sense as a country.
回復 xoyuanfen 2010-6-23 10:06
回復 海外憤青 2010-6-23 10:23
東方華: 只要社會還存在特權統治集團,就沒有可能實現充分的個人自由和平等政治權力!
回復 newyorker92 2010-6-23 10:26
We do not live in a perfect world.  U.S is not a perfect society either.  But it is still a country that attracts more people than any other countries.  The social system is far from perfection, however it is far superior than that of China.
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 10:32
snortbsd: 1) just see how many of people here on your guys side? even you guys create million of IDs, still the support for your guys is pathetically marginal.
1。 你不是開玩笑吧?依據村裡馬甲多少可知中共得到大多數國民的支持。你那麼有信心,為啥不全民選舉?那樣共產黨的法理基礎不久更鞏固率嗎?還拿捏著做啥?
2。 你們這種託詞很無聊,社會主義實踐連根毛都沒有的時候,就在全中國鋪開了,你那時幹啥去了?當成千上萬的國人死在社會主義實踐的口號下的時候,你又去哪兒啦,六四開槍的時候你怎麼不勸勸執政黨發發善心哪?對了你很支持他們鎮壓。
3。 「話說天下大事,分久必合合久必分」的說法沒聽說過?哪朝哪代不是中央集權啊?民國之前中國不能稱其為國家?不怕笑掉大牙。。。
回復 snortbsd 2010-6-23 10:37
東方華: 1。 你不是開玩笑吧?依據村裡馬甲多少可知中共得到大多數國民的支持。你那麼有信心,為啥不全民選舉?那樣共產黨的法理基礎不久更鞏固率嗎?還拿捏著做啥?
what hell, you didn't answer any of my questions and use this kinda bs...

you mingun guys just hopeless...
回復 東方華 2010-6-23 10:39
xoyuanfen: 人人平等.
回復 wazhh 2010-6-23 10:40

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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