

作者:pengl  於 2011-5-21 02:46 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 pengl 2011-5-23 14:09
美國魯漢: 是這個理。
回復 pengl 2011-5-23 14:10
美國魯漢: 是的。
但在目前這個世界上,沒有絕對的公平。既然來到異國他鄉追求新的幸福生活,就在這個遊戲規則下玩吧,以中國人的勤奮和智慧,大部分人應該可以過上安穩的生 ...
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-23 19:53
pengl: 理上都應負責任,但法上都不必。因為這些法都是他們制定影響的。
回復 pengl 2011-5-23 23:23
世外閑人: 受影響的不單是美國,很多國家也跟著遭殃,華爾街的巨頭還能置身事外,拿政府的錢繼續享受高額獎金。
回復 美國魯漢 2011-5-24 05:07
pengl: 言之有理
回復 美國魯漢 2011-5-24 05:08
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-24 18:48
pengl: 金融是少數幾個美國有絕對優勢的行業,因此不會大手筆改動。
回復 pengl 2011-5-24 23:16
世外閑人: 要算計忽悠一定要狠,賺得越多別人就越無奈!
回復 wcat 2011-5-25 03:02
這真是說來話長。柯林頓時期開始的de-regulation就埋下了禍根,把華爾街的人弄得越來越大膽,越來越貪婪! 想什麼self-regulation簡直就是天方夜潭!
回復 pengl 2011-5-25 04:47
wcat: 這真是說來話長。柯林頓時期開始的de-regulation就埋下了禍根,把華爾街的人弄得越來越大膽,越來越貪婪! 想什麼self-regulation簡直就是天方夜潭![em: ...
回復 此山中 2011-5-25 07:02
在美一方: DB
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-25 18:14
pengl: 木已成舟,只好下不為例了。
回復 pengl 2011-5-25 22:54
世外閑人: 這個很難打保票。
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-26 22:00
pengl:      美好的願望,殘酷的現實。
回復 smartman 2011-5-27 02:14
Galleon Group (Raj) set up the first indicted example.

It is very difficult to indict Wall Streeter unless you update and retroactivate the financial law.
回復 pengl 2011-5-27 04:07
世外閑人: 確實如此!
回復 pengl 2011-5-27 04:09
smartman: Galleon Group (Raj) set up the first indicted example.

It is very difficult to indict Wall Streeter unless you update and retroactivate the financial ...
It's tough to retroactivate the law.  Going forward, any new law will have loopholes that the Wall Street will explore fully until the next crisis.
回復 smartman 2011-5-27 08:14
pengl: It's tough to retroactivate the law.  Going forward, any new law will have loopholes that the Wall Street will explore fully until the next crisis.
there are always loopholes.  laws are always lag behind of practice.  but still have an old-dated law is better than nothing.

to indict wall streeters, you need criminal law.  the financial regulations fed government has been establishing is to monitor banks.  i think we need the congress to make the laws?!
回復 pengl 2011-5-27 10:11
smartman: there are always loopholes.  laws are always lag behind of practice.  but still have an old-dated law is better than nothing.

to indict wall streeter ...
I'm afraid that we've lost the momentum to establish a better law as it appears everything is ok amid the bull market, and the Wall Street resumes half-million bonus like the good old days.  So the next opportunity could be the next crisis.
回復 smartman 2011-5-27 13:22
pengl: I'm afraid that we've lost the momentum to establish a better law as it appears everything is ok amid the bull market, and the Wall Street resumes hal ...
..."we've lost the momentum"...

to tell you the truth, we never had that momentum.

the point is, to my knowledge, we made LITTLE or NO new criminal laws towards the crisis.  we made quite a few laws to regulate the financial institutions and imposed very restrict rules on banks.  but, all of that are for institutions and regulations, and not towards any punishment of individual violations.  (i belonged to a few new financial regulation committees and had pretty good knoweldge on it.)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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