

作者:qyed  於 2010-4-25 06:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 世外閑人 2010-4-25 22:57
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:33
snortbsd: how is market now? i spent few weeks last year for townhouse but decided to wait for a while...

think it is the bottom now?
The interest rate is going up gradually, so the buying cost will increase soon. To get the tax rebate, you need to sign the purchasing contract by 4/30 and to close by 6/30. I guess a lot of buyers are rushing into the market to meet the 4/30 deadline, so the market might be slower in May. You never know when the bottom is before it hit the bottom, but the economy is improving and the housing market's recovery will have a lag...
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:35
wo?: 我也替你高興。我是買房遙遙無期。。。
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:36
綠水潭: 恭喜!
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:36
烏卒卒: 恭喜了
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:36
美國魯漢: 恭喜,恭喜!
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:37
margo: 恭喜啊!
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:38
東方客: 還是咱中國人會理財。向您祝賀!
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:40
nika: 您真會理財
回復 qyed 2010-4-26 05:42
世外閑人: 恭喜!謝謝你提供這麼詳盡的小鎮信息。
謝謝!信息是從CNN/MONEY Best place to live 報道中找到的。你可以找找你居住的城市看。其他提供這類信息的機構也很不少呢!
回復 snortbsd 2010-4-26 06:58
qyed: The interest rate is going up gradually, so the buying cost will increase soon. To get the tax rebate, you need to sign the purchasing contract by 4/

i need to think it over...
回復 東方客 2010-4-26 10:16
qyed: 謝謝誇獎,其實我也是去了不少機會呢!你的解僱洋老師寫得真痛快!
回復 烏卒卒 2010-4-26 12:22
qyed: 謝謝!
回復 紅妹子 2010-4-26 17:19
回復 世外閑人 2010-4-26 20:19
qyed: 謝謝!信息是從CNN/MONEY Best place to live 報道中找到的。你可以找找你居住的城市看。其他提供這類信息的機構也很不少呢!
回復 leahzhang 2010-4-28 02:23
回復 ifcss 2010-4-28 06:16
Are you in Weston, MA? That was my dream place too but I had to leave MA years ago. If I have an opportunity to go back to MA, I will buy a house in Weston. I remember that 8 years ago, I went to see a house in Weston and to my surprise, there were a least 50 rolls royce passing by on Wellesley St. I never saw so many Rolls Royce at once. I did not know the occasion but that was eye opening for me. Later on I knew that a lot of Fidelity fund managers are dwelling there and they are envy at each other too. The most famous story was the once high flying Magellan fund manager Jeffrey Vinik tried in-court battle to build a 120 million dollar mansion in his 4-acre estate but he lost. Because his neighbors are envy at him. His colleagues at Fidelity also live nearby and their houses were only worth 5 to 10 million dollars and they don't want to see Vinik's mansion so much bigger and more ostensible than theirs. The way to keep Weston safe is to keep blue-collar workers out. One way to do this is to ban businesses and specially stores. Any kind of store or shop will inevitably bring store keeps and workers and they are low wage earners and should be kept out of. The elitism is at best in Weston. Good foryou!
回復 qyed 2010-5-3 06:02
ifcss: Are you in Weston, MA? That was my dream place too but I had to leave MA years ago. If I have an opportunity to go back to MA, I will buy a house in
Sorry for the delay in responding. I just saw your note. Weston is a wealthy town with good schools. I have colleagues living in the town. All wealthy towns try to keep public transportation and business away from them to keep their privacy. I worked in Welllesley for a while and is now away from Massachussetts.
回復 566 2010-5-9 10:46
回復 TCM 2010-5-11 09:52

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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