

作者:Mir  於 2009-6-1 02:17 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 Mir 2009-6-1 23:52
marnifan: where can you get it? yes, i'm a true marnifan. i can't understand why anybody would pick kirkland over marni.just kidding.
Costco. Why prefer Kirkland? To get more cloth with same amount of money.I have never seen Marni here, which store do you go? I am willing to pay  a few hundreds dollar, out of my retirement saving,  for a Marni scarf.
回復 水影兒 2009-6-2 01:00
Mir: I only wish I could use Chinese. I am sure I would make more friends here, since I am really a nice person.  Unbelievably nice.

i believe what you said to us...
回復 Mir 2009-6-2 01:33
水影兒:i believe what you said to us...
No reason not to.Btw, I have been enjoy reading your blog, quietly.
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-2 02:16
Mir: 鴨子 has its very specific meaning, for your info, therefore be very careful to lable anything 鴨子肉.

The other difference is that 鴨子肉 is someth
canadian geese are listed as endangered...
回復 Mir 2009-6-2 02:46
snortbsd: canadian geese are listed as endangered...
Endangered? Really? So many in the golf field.

They are not smart either, and can never understand my yelling of "fore".

No wonder, they are extincting.
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-2 02:49
Mir: Endangered? Really? So many in the golf field.

They are not smart either, and can never understand my yelling of "fore".

No wonder, the
sorry, missed "not"...
回復 Mir 2009-6-2 03:08
snortbsd: sorry, missed "not"...
Major error. Made my head spin.
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-2 03:25
Mir: Major error. Made my head spin.

shit happens...
回復 Mir 2009-6-2 03:49
snortbsd: ...shit happens...
No worry.
Part of physiology
part of life  
回復 catch22 2009-6-2 04:34
Mir: No question about it, but I still love a place where there is rain all day long, all year long.
Then it will become boring, not special anymore.
回復 Mir 2009-6-2 07:54
catch22: Then it will become boring, not special anymore.
I did not mean real rainfall.

I like the misty rain, the drizzle, which makes everything so fresh, and blurs the dividing line between earth and heaven when I look towards the horizon.

Sometimes, it sets the backgound of gathering angry clouds, and stages for a vibrant rainbow.

I do not know why people do not get bored in 365-sunny-day FL? I will be thirsty, longing for the water from sky.
回復 stellazhu111 2009-6-3 06:00

回復 Mir 2009-6-3 13:20
stellazhu111: 黃梅雨季里
What make you think I am that young?
回復 stellazhu111 2009-6-3 14:23
Mir: What make you think I am that young?
The man in that poem was born one year before the year of dragon, when those three huge guys died.
回復 Mir 2009-6-4 01:00
stellazhu111: The man in that poem was born one year before the year of dragon, when those three huge guys died.
And the girl in that poem likes crab. Am I right?
回復 stellazhu111 2009-6-4 07:22
Mir: And the girl in that poem likes crab. Am I right?
回復 Mir 2009-6-4 13:29
Thank you very much.



This has nothing to do with the poem but made me laugh, then think.

Everyone of us sometimes just needs 擊掌起立,紛紛跳槽.
回復 cedarloo 2009-6-12 11:16

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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