
麻醉師隨筆 ---- 3. 年輕的產婦

作者:luguo  於 2009-1-22 06:53 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 ww_719 2009-1-23 02:57
四合院的閑人: 俺不生,但可以到貴賓室看病啊,呵呵! 娃娃怎能不生呢?生個小娃娃多可愛啊!而且是。。。,聰明過人哦!
回復 四合院的閑人 2009-1-23 03:08
ww_719: 麻煩!哈哈哈哈... 而且老了,生不了了,沒功能!哈哈哈哈...
回復 Mir 2009-1-23 04:33
So what do you really want to tell us? I do not see a story, and I do
not see a writer, too. If you give me a medical lesson, I will be glad to
回復 luguo 2009-1-23 05:01
Mir: So what do you really want to tell us? I do not see a story, and I do    not see a writer, too. If you give me a medical lesson, I will be glad to
All I want to tell are within the lines and behind words. If you cannot get them, you can either read more times or just forget it.
回復 Mir 2009-1-23 05:10
luguo: All I want to tell are within the lines and behind words. If you cannot get them, you can either read more times or just forget it.
You know, I not only read within the lines, behing words, but also between the lines, I am still lost. Actually, not completely, I at least got this part solid, that you are a doctor who reads WSJ during the work.

I will choose forget about it. Good day.
回復 luguo 2009-1-23 05:15
Mir: You know, I not only read within the lines, behing words, but also between the lines, I am still lost. Actually, not completely, I at least got thi
WSJ is provided by the hospital in the doctor lounge. It's very popular in a private hopital in USA.
回復 mgoo 2009-1-23 05:16
Is it true that epidural increases c-section rate?
回復 luguo 2009-1-23 05:23
mgoo: Is it true that epidural increases c-section rate?
It used to be a big concern for usge of labor epidural. After many prospective randomized studies with large sample sizes, it is thought that epidural does not incease C/S rate.
回復 Mir 2009-1-23 05:24
Caesarean  here is not done as often as in China, even with a mounting malpractice pressure on OBs.
回復 luguo 2009-1-23 05:30
Mir: Caesarean  here is not done as often as in China, even with a mounting malpractice pressure on OBs.
I don't have statistical data comparing these two countries in hands. Here in the United States, it depends on indications.
回復 諧和。 2009-1-23 05:45
回復 Mir 2009-1-23 05:48
luguo: I don't have statistical data comparing these two countries in hands. Here in the United States, it depends on indications.
If you have practiced long enough, you will know these so called indications, or evedence based medicine, is only better than nothing. I would not even call it science yet. Maybe you know better about the indications for Caesarean, but look at the malpractice lawsuit against OB, I guess there is a lot we can debate, all the way to the court.
回復 luguo 2009-1-23 06:05
諧和。: 硬膜外麻醉對嬰兒有害,可以造成嬰兒智力受損害。 還是自然分娩好,尤其是產婦還這樣年輕。
回復 luguo 2009-1-23 06:07
Mir: If you have practiced long enough, you will know these so called indications, or evedence based medicine, is only better than nothing. I would not
contraversial and debate are almost everywhere.      Can you do nothing because of these and because of scaring lawsuits?
回復 mgoo 2009-1-23 07:01
luguo: It used to be a big concern for usge of labor epidural. After many prospective randomized studies with large sample sizes, it is thought that epidu
I don't believe this, epidural may relief pain and relax the uterus, but epidural drugs by nature decrease uterine contraction more or less, and you see the epidural drugs be turned off when patients become pushing, it prolongs labor and delivery time after all, especially when epidural placed too early, this is part of the reasons that some of patients have to get a c-section. Some OB doctors want to delivery the baby faster, hook up the pitocin right away when patients just lie down in OB suite, and call anesthesiologist to place the epidural to cover the pain, even the cervical hasn't dilated.
OB malpractice is very high, especially in New York area, compare to Midwest; it means the people here, lawyers here and the insurances companies are more greedy, no policy to limit the compensation, that is the reason why many doctors here quit the OB service, just keep the GYN section.
回復 諧和。 2009-1-23 08:19
在這本書里,就詳細敘述了,EPIDURAL BLOCK在美國已經被濫用,
高於世界上許多國家。請您自己去翻閱,尤其是從5 0頁以後。

Born in the USA: How a Broken Maternity System Must be Fixed to Put Mothers and Infants First By Marsden Wagner Edition: illustrated Published by University of California Press, 2006 ISBN 0520245962, 9780520245969 295 pages
回復 諧和。 2009-1-23 08:38
助產率的8 5 %),把一個本來正常的生理過程搞成病理過程,對產婦和新生兒
回樓上「四合院閑人」 :您應當在了解了事實真相以後,再高呼「美國人
的幸福」 。Please!
象作者在此描述的一例,1 5歲的年青產婦,正常分娩正常的疼痛,
根本不需要epidural, 作者考慮過她以後的健康和孩子將來的健康嗎?
回復 mgoo 2009-1-23 08:51
諧和。: 在這本書里,就詳細敘述了,EPIDURAL BLOCK在美國已經被濫用,   不但損害了產婦的健康,而且損害胎兒的健康,大腦損傷,造成美國新生兒死亡率   高於世界上許
Not really true, even Medicaid patients, they still get epidural, we don't get extra pay, and most of times don』t get pay at all.
It is true, but it is not just caused by epidural, there are lots of poor, uneducated, young, old, obesity, drug addicted, alcoholic, immigrant, no preterm care pregnant women in US.
If epidural used properly, should be good for pregnant women.
In China, some places offer epidural for pregnant women, but I don』t understand why epidural costs relatively more than here, since they have cheaper medical drugs and supplies, and labor.
回復 mgoo 2009-1-23 09:14
諧和。: 同意樓上mgoo的說法。事實上,epidural在北美的濫用(有的醫院使用率占   助產率的8 5 %),把一個本來正常的生理過程搞成病理過程,對產婦和新生兒   造成病
1 5歲的年青產婦
I am sure she didn't have insurance, or out of pocket money, the hospital or taxpayer paid for it, anesthesiologist spent the whole night taking care her pain and epidural. She got free medicine and service.
Epidural does provide certain benefits to painful pregnant women. The brain damage could be due to other issues. So please don』t make any conclusion before you do further investigation.
回復 諧和。 2009-1-23 10:27



直接造成胎兒在子宮內缺氧,時間拖延,可以造成胎兒大腦損害(這在我提供        的那本書(加州大學醫學院2 0 0 6年出版)有記載。2。胎兒心跳加速,


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