

作者:stellazhu111  於 2009-5-28 05:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 07:34
八年: 問世間情是何物,直教人生死相許!這是咋啦,這麼憂愁?
蔡琴:余天:蘇芮:潘越云:甄妮:李建復:林慧萍:王芷蕾:黃鶯 鶯:洪榮宏:陳淑樺:王夢麟:李佩菁:費玉清:齊豫:鄭怡:江蕙 :楊林:蘇芮:齊秦 (一共有六十多位當時最紅的歌星, 那個時候叫音樂人.)


後面還有張艾嘉, 發起人之一......很是欣賞她.
回復 八年 2009-5-28 07:55
stellazhu111: 蔡琴:余天:蘇芮:潘越云:甄妮:李建復:林慧萍:王芷蕾:黃鶯 鶯:洪榮宏:陳淑樺:王夢麟:李佩菁:費玉清:齊豫:鄭怡:江蕙 :楊林:蘇芮:齊秦 (一共有六
回復 Mir 2009-5-28 08:00
The song is so uplifting. It is comforting to see such a beautiful side of everyone of us, rooted deep inside us, overcoming the clouds of hostility, cruelty over this world.
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 08:03
Mir: The song is so uplifting. It is comforting to see such a beautiful side of everyone of us, rooted deep inside us, overcoming the clouds of hostility,
I was at my best age when first heard of that song, riding on the bicycle and shouting in the summer air with my best friend...unforgetable and unblievable...
回復 Mir 2009-5-28 08:27
stellazhu111: I was at my best age when first heard of that song, riding on the bicycle and shouting in the summer air with my best friend...unforgetable and unbli
Everything leaves a trace in our life, and it shapes who we are. At the end of all this, we can tell ourselves, what a journey.

I really do not have a best age. I only have a best moment, or a bunch of crazy moments. haha
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 09:04
八年: 不錯的歌,每個時代的歌能帶給我們每個時段的記憶,一首歌就是一張書籤!
我真的唱了那首, 我的祖國, 可惜郭老師的音域實在的高......俺降了八度, 唱成了流行歌~
回復 rachel3 2009-5-28 09:08
回復 綠水潭 2009-5-28 09:39
回復 八年 2009-5-28 09:43
stellazhu111: 我真的唱了那首, 我的祖國, 可惜郭老師的音域實在的高......俺降了八度, 唱成了流行歌~
回復 人間的盒子 2009-5-28 09:55
回復 xqw63 2009-5-28 10:08
回復 xyz000usa 2009-5-28 10:39
stellazhu111: 下飛機了, 就沒掙開眼, 可大半夜了, 卻閉不了眼, 告訴家鄉的人, 我還平安, 就是找不到一樣東西.
丟了什麼? 情愁相思?
回復 浪花朵朵 2009-5-28 10:43
回復 homepeace 2009-5-28 11:55
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 12:57
rachel3: 姐姐你終於回來了
好感動, 久等了, 謝謝.
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 12:57
綠水潭: 今日陽光燦爛,原來是星兒回來了。
星光呢? 嘿嘿!
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 12:57
人間的盒子: 又聽這歌了,真好。
老了啊, 我說我呢.
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 12:58
xqw63: 精神勝利法
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 12:59
xyz000usa: 丟了什麼? 情愁相思?
回復 stellazhu111 2009-5-28 13:01
浪花朵朵: 二十多年啦,歌很熟,但對歌星都不太認得啦。正上高中聽得多看得少。歡迎回來!
高中, 我好象也是, 看來, 我們都是妹妹了, 那些歌手我能讀出3/4, 可能是一直看台灣台的節目吧. (俺回家做了不少頓飯, 但還是很少在家吃, 總是先忙完了父母的飯, 自己再溜出去再和朋友撮一頓, 該不該批判啊? 哈哈.......)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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