

作者:jjsummer95  於 2009-10-8 02:57 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 xqw63 2009-10-8 05:23
jjsummer95: 咱這是意思意思。。吊吊您的胃口。你還要我把一大盤子都端上來??
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:24
任飛飛: 對! 哈哈哈
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:25
marnifan: 好啊,只要你看得上
回復 marnifan 2009-10-8 05:27
jjsummer95: 我看上您的老爺車了
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:28
snortbsd: that is gender discrimination...according to the rule of political correctness, you have to talk about daughter for every
等咱有孫女時, 保證改變 the direction of gender discrimination
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:31
xqw63: 你有嗎?
沒有了, 您只好等下一次了。。
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:32
marnifan: 這輛不是俺的.
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-8 05:32
jjsummer95: 咱想要個閨女。。沒有哇。。
等咱有孫女時, 保證改變 the direction of gender discrimination

well, that would be the trouble time comes in.... you have to get long with this "daughter in law" first....

one of those oldest riddles: mother in law and daughter in law...
回復 marnifan 2009-10-8 05:33
回復 xqw63 2009-10-8 05:36
jjsummer95: 沒有了, 您只好等下一次了。。
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:39
snortbsd: hahahahaha...well, that would be the trouble time comes in.... you have to get long with this "daughter in law"
That should not be issue.  We will not live under the same roof. ..
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:39
marnifan: 門打開給你貼張圖
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 05:40
xqw63: 態度很好
回復 SirCat 2009-10-8 05:51
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-8 08:40
jjsummer95: That should not be issue.  We will not live under the same roof. ..
that would help, for sure...

really the same issue for american families too. just usually don't get that ugly since they usually don't live under the same roof...
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 09:01
SirCat: 您很聰明:
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 09:02
snortbsd: that would help, for sure...really the same issue for american families too. just usually don't get that ugly since they usually don't
yup.. do you have this issue?
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-8 09:05
jjsummer95: yup.. do you have this issue?
no, never married and still trying to figure out where my another half is...

but honestly my mother isn't kind of mother in law that a daughter in law easy to get long with. she is the best mother in my heart but she is picky...
回復 jjsummer95 2009-10-8 09:13
snortbsd: no, never married and still trying to figure out where my another half is...

but honestly my mother isn't kind of mother in law that a daughter in l
there are a lot of MM here.. maybe you will find one here, or other place... Either way, I would like to attend the party..
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-8 09:51
jjsummer95: there are a lot of MM here.. maybe you will find one here, or other place... Either way, I would like to attend the party..
well, there are a lot of MM everywhere...

but surely i would keep you in mind...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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